Chapter Twenty-Five

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Attention all readers - the cavalry has arrived, as has the Legends episode of Crisis!



Malcolm groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he struggled to move, only to flatten on the floor when more bullets sailed over him. Stein hurried to find cover, bullets just narrowly missing him. "Dad!" Thea cried again, eyes wide in horror as she watched blood pool on the ground.

"Malcolm's hit!" Jax cried. "We got to get him out of there!"

A sonic scream hit the truck a few seconds later, and Nazis went flying everywhere. Laurel and Sara ran their way, Sara now with a machine gun, firing at every Nazi she saw. Laurel braved the bullets, ducking and weaving to make it to Malcolm. She bent down at his side, swallowing when she saw how red his hand was. "Here," she whispered, putting her arm around his waist, wincing when he made a pained noise. "Arm around my shoulders, come on." Malcolm threw his arm over her shoulders, and Laurel's hand replaced his. She growled, looking up and around, helping Malcolm slowly back up, Sara covering them. "Where's a speedster when you need him?"


"Just tying up some loose ends!" Barry answered as he and Ray rushed to stop Red Tornado.

"He's almost at the breach hangar!" Ray added, flying forward and ramming into Red Tornado, knocking him off course.

"If we don't stop him, he's gonna blow up our only ticket home."


"Not to mention us," Sara growled, dodging another bullet.

Oliver narrowed his eyes, glaring around the crate he was still pinned down behind, at the machine gun never pausing. "A little help with that, please!"

A second later, two grenades were pitched into the truck, and Oliver and Leo both ducked when the entire truck blew up. Oliver blinked repeatedly, then turned to see Slade and Alex run out from where they'd been hiding. "Thank you," was all he decided to say.


"Here," Laurel lowered Malcolm down to where Stein was hiding.

"The breach," Malcolm ground out as Stein helped him lean against the console. "You need to open the breach!"

Laurel turned to look at the control, then looked at Stein. "Stay here," she ordered.

Stein just nodded, pressing both hands down on Malcolm's gunshot wound. Laurel turned around, taking a deep breath, then ran at full speed towards the control. The Nazis turned to fire at her, but Sara quickly ran to cover her, firing at the Nazis trying to get at her. One of them seemed to freeze, then yelled, "Fall back! Fall back!"

Laurel grabbed the control and slammed it down, turning around as the breach powered on. Red energy fried all the Nazis closest to it, and when the red breach formed, all the Nazis around them had disappeared.


Oliver, Slade, Alex, and Leo ran around where they had been hiding, and Alex grinned. "They did it. They opened the breach!"

"But Malcolm's down," Slade growled, running forward.

"Barry, the breach is open," Oliver ran after him as Thea sprinted to get to Malcolm, Jax running to hug Stein. "Where are you?"


"We got to take him out, now!" Barry insisted.

"I have an idea!" Ray flew down alongside him. "Throw another lightning bolt!"

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