Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Malcolm and Kara wake up, and it's all heroes on deck for the final battle.



Barry looked up as people started to gather on the bridge, though he blinked in surprise when he saw James, Winn, Lena, and J'onn join them, J'onn in his Martian form, James suited up as Guardian. He knew Alex and Clark would be missing, but – "Don't you want to be in the medbay?" he asked.

"It's not us Kara will want to see the most when she wakes up," James shook his head with a fond smile.

"And the two of you?" Sara asked, watching Jax and Stein walk in.

"If you think we're sitting this out, you're crazy," Jax snorted.

"They are not going to win while they're attacking our city," Stein agreed.

Sara nodded. "Then we're just waiting on a few more."


Thea felt the hand under hers twitch slightly, then squeeze with more power. Her head shot up from where she'd been looking at the ground, and tears filled her eyes when Malcolm coughed, then opened his eyes. "Oh, my God," she breathed, standing up from her chair. "You're OK!"

"Peachy," Malcolm agreed, voice slightly hoarse, and he winced as Thea helped the chair return to normal. "Though getting shot wasn't fun."

"It wasn't fun for any of us to watch, either," Laurel agreed dryly from where she and Slade were back against the wall.

"Well, I can now say I would never recommend getting shot by Nazis," Malcolm rolled out the kinks in his neck, wincing and rubbing the back of his head. "How am I doing?"

"Completely healed," Alex's voice answered, and Malcolm turned to see her and Clark on the other side of the medbay. "You're ready to go."

Malcolm nodded and turned to see why they were there, only to shoot upright when he recognized the blonde lying in the other chair, Oliver by her side. "What happened?!"

"Gideon checked all her injuries," Slade answered, narrowing his eye. "In addition to the Kryptonite arrow Nazi you shot her with before we all separated, she was under red sunlight for nearly a day, got two more Kryptonite arrows in her shoulders, then when Oliver went to rescue her, she took a bullet from Nazi me for Winn, and when J'onn and Clark showed up, Thawne got Nazi us out of there and stabbed her with his scalpel for good measure."

Malcolm's eyes widened for a moment before they narrowed to slits. "I'm gonna kill him."

"I've got dibs on mine," Slade snorted.

"As long as I get to kill mine, you two have at your doppelgängers all you want," Oliver nodded, squeezing Kara's hand. "But for being the one behind all of this, Black Arrow is mine."

"No arguments from me," Clark nodded.


She came to when she heard voices buzzing around her. Kara whimpered slightly, squeezing her eyes shut tighter when light blasted in her face. A second later, she felt a hand tightly squeeze hers. "Gideon, dim the lights!"

"Of course, Mr. Queen."

The light dimmed considerably, and the voice levels around her diminished dramatically. "Kara?" Oliver asked quietly, and Kara felt the grip on her hand squeeze again. "Can you open your eyes?"

She swallowed. "Trying . . . "

"Take it easy, it's OK."

Kara finally managed to force her eyes open, and she hissed, closing them quickly again when she felt how much her body ached. "Oh, God."

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