Chapter Thirty-Four

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I'm extremely proud of this chapter. That's all I'm gonna say.



Kara landed in the alley behind the loft, and Oliver wrung out his neck, wincing. "Thank you for not going too fast."

"No way was I going to make you throw up," Kara patted him on the shoulder as they walked into the building. "Besides, I've had enough flying for a few days, I think."

"Then take a break," he told her. "That's what this is for. No powers on your terms."

"Agreed," Kara nodded as Oliver unlocked the door.

He nodded in agreement, opening the door for her. "William?" he called.

There was a clatter from his bedroom, and his son poked his head out. "Dad!" he grinned, running over. "Kara!"

"Hey, buddy," Oliver smiled, giving him a hug. "Sorry we took a few days longer than we expected."

"It's OK," William shook his head, looking up at them. "What happened? Aunt Thea said there was an attack?"

"Unfortunately," Kara sighed. "But they made the mistake of attacking when there were a ton of superheroes in the area. The Flash and Supergirl got to team up again, and things did not end well at all for the bad guys."

"Good," William nodded, not noticing Oliver's small cringe. Kara was once again lying to his son about him putting on the hood again. How did he deserve her? "How long are you staying for?"

"I think about a week," Kara answered, smiling when William lit up. "Unless you have a problem with that?"

"None!" William grinned.

"Good," Oliver chuckled. "Hey, go on ahead and put your stuff in our room, I'll be right there."

"OK," Kara smiled, kissing his cheek and grabbing her bag.

William blinked, watching Kara leave, then looked at Oliver as he watched her go. "Dad?"

Oliver just held up a finger, pulling out his phone and typing something. He turned it back around, and William blinked again, reading what he had typed.

I need your help.


Kara leaned her forehead against the shower wall, exhaling slowly, feeling the tension in her muscles drain away as hot water rolled over her skin. To think that just over three years ago, all she had been was Cat Grant's personal assistant and nothing more . . . now she was National City's hero, the champion of Earth-38, the girlfriend of the mayor of Earth-1's Star City, and also the girlfriend of the Green Arrow. And now she had just finished fighting Nazis from the worst universe in the multiverse.

Rao, when did her life become this?

She sighed and finished rinsing conditioner out of her hair, turning off the water and grabbing a towel. Yes, she needed a break. And bless Lena and J'onn, she had the best bosses to make sure she had all the time she needed.

She used her speed to dry herself off, then walked out of the bathroom in a tank top and shorts. She paused, however, when she saw the black hanger bag on the bed. She blinked, looking around. "Oliver?" she called.

No response. William, however, looked in. "Hey," he smiled. "Dad said you have . . . " He checked the clock on the nightstand. "Forty minutes to get ready."

"For what?!" Kara's eyes widened.

"Sworn to secrecy," William grinned. "But Dinah's your chauffer."

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