Chapter Thirteen

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Hehe, I love this chapter. There's the suit-up scene at the end, but it's the parts before that that make the chapter for me.



Kara walked into the dark lab, where Thawne was crouched over the Prism. "Will it work?" she asked.

"It will," Thawne looked up at her. "With a few adjustments and a significant power source."

"My husband's on his way to handle that as we speak," Kara nodded.

"Your husband," Thawne scoffed, "has a choice to make."

"Me or the Reich?" Kara guessed, frowning.

"That's right," Thawne set his tools down, turning to her. "Because we have two goals, and my worry is if we can't accomplish them both, he's gonna choose you over a second Earth flying under our banner."

"Oliver will not abandon our mission," Kara said confidently.

Thawne huffed. "I've seen this before. In 1945, Hitler and his men were equally shortsighted – "

"Hitler was driven by passion and childish need," Kara narrowed her eyes. "Oliver is ten times the man Hitler ever was!"

"Not when he's blinded by his love for you!" Thawne snapped.

Kara scowled, then looked down. "If it comes to Oliver choosing between me and the Reich, I'll make sure he chooses the Fatherland."

"How?" Thawne narrowed his eyes.

"If it comes to it," Kara narrowed her eyes right back, "by taking the choice out of his hands!"

Thawne scoffed, clearly not believing it, but before Kara could reprimand him, a cold voice behind her spoke. "I see you continue to question your superiors, Thawne."

Thawne stiffened, then narrowed his eyes. "Watch your tone."

"My son is dead, and you're telling me to watch my tone?" The cold voice turned even colder. "Do you have a death wish?"

"Finish with the Prism," Kara ordered Thawne.

He growled, but returned to his work. "Sorry for your loss," he tossed over his shoulder in disinterest.

Kara heard the man behind her growl, but she turned and walked off, beckoning with her hand. She heard her fellow general's footsteps follow her, then stopped when they were a good distance away from Thawne. "I am sorry for your loss," she whispered. "Tommy didn't deserve to die that way."

"No, he didn't," Malcolm Merlyn agreed, stopping by her side. "But he chose to die before betraying his best friend, before betraying you."

Kara's eyes hardened. "Oliver has sworn his death will be avenged." She turned to look at him. "They will try and find us."

"And I will be watching your back, like I always have," Malcolm told her.

"They have their own version of you," Kara warned.

"Our records said he was dead." Malcolm snorted. "It would seem I'm a magician here as well."

"Well," Kara smirked. "He's not the Reich's Magician."

"No," Malcolm agreed with a matching smirk. "He's not."

"They have Kryptonite arrows."

"They also have their own version of you."

"She's not me."

"No, she's not," Malcolm agreed. "But did the Kryptonite arrow hurt you?"

"No," Kara shook her head slowly. "Not much."

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