Chapter Four

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OK, so the rehearsal dinner is split in two anyway. That's OK - more goodness for you guys.

All of the teams start mixing together, including the Earth-38ers with certain members of the Legends, and it's a game to see how long it takes a clueless speedster to realize his two best friends are together - even when they manage to have their own sweet moments right under his nose. Hehehe. XD

Enjoy, guys!


"Ooo, this smells like coffee heaven," Winn inhaled as the five Earth-38ers entered Jitters that night.

"Iris used to work here," Kara informed him as they walked towards the back, where the rehearsal dinner was taking place.

"What is she now?" James asked.

"Uh, reporter," Kara answered, then stopped when Lena put a hand on her arm. "What?"

"Your glasses," Lena held out her hand. "Give me."

"What?" Kara blinked, surprised. "Lena – !"

"Trust me," Lena smirked. "OK?"

Kara closed her eyes, then sighed and took her glasses off, handing them to Lena. "Here. Happy?"

"I'll be even happier when I see Oliver choke on whatever he's drinking or eating," Lena answered cheerily.

Kara blushed as they continued on their way. "The goal is to see how long we can keep a secret from Barry! Not make it blatantly obvious!"

"You did see what color you're wearing, right?" Alex smirked.

Kara gritted her teeth, well aware she was wearing emerald green. "Alex. Not. Helping."

"Oh, please," Lena rolled her eyes. "Oliver's reaction is probably going to be tame."

Kara sighed. "Let's get this over with."


"Did the Superfriends get lost or something?" Cisco asked, looking around the room as friends and family milled about, most of them grouped in the center when they noticed one particular group wasn't there.

"I hope not," Iris frowned in concern. "I gave them the directions here."

"And you said Kara brought friends with her?" Sara asked curiously.

"Yeah," Barry nodded as Oliver and Thea joined them. "When I was first stuck on her Earth, she worked with her friends James and Winn."

"So I made sure to invite them, too," Iris nodded. "Kara's sister and another member of their tech support came, too."

"Uh, she's not tech support," Cisco shook his head. "She's a CEO if I remember correctly."

"CEO of L-Corp, and current owner of CatCo, where Kara works," Iris nodded. "And the occasional tech support."

"You sound like you know her more than just meeting her today," Joe raised an eyebrow.

"Dad, how could I?" Iris blinked at him. "Unlike Barry, I can't run fast enough to jump to another universe."

Cisco and Felicity both snorted into their champagne, making Thea burst out laughing. "Nice, Iris," Cisco choked as Oliver smirked, patting Felicity on the back to help her breathe normally again. "Real nice."

Thea giggled as she turned around, only to freeze in place, her eyes wide. "Speedy?" Oliver frowned.

Thea swallowed. "I found them."

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