Chapter Seventeen

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Last for the night, guys! Still a lot more than I expected to put out, so we'll see when the next one comes. Might not be until Thursday.

It's all Earth-X in this one, and it is not a happy family reunion. At all.

Enjoy chapter seventeen!


An alarm started wailing over the pen, and Malcolm and Thea winced, reaching for their ears. "Move!" Nazis shouted, and the others had to shuffle around as prisoners started organizing quickly. "Move!"

"I don't like the looks of this," Stein said nervously, watching Nazis enter the pen.

"What's going on?" Alex asked, looking around.

"I don't know," Slade shook his head, moving Alex in front of him.

"What are we doing?" Barry asked the man Thea had spoken to.

"It's roundup time," he answered.

"Roundup for what?" Sara scowled.

The prisoners had all moved to the back, and a line of armed Nazis walked forward to Oliver, Barry, Sara, Alex, Slade, Malcolm, Laurel, Thea, Stein, and Jax. "Get in line, now," one ordered.

Thea sneered at them, but when Malcolm took her arm, she reluctantly joined him in line. The others joined them, watching the line of Nazis in front of them keep their guns aimed at them. "You'd think we're a threat or something," Laurel remarked, then raised her hands when several guns shifted to aim at her. "Sheesh, what did I do to all of you?"

"My guess is whatever you did to make the others pissed at you," Oliver said quietly.

Laurel scowled, but didn't say anything further. It was a good thing, too, because her jaw dropped open when she saw the man in a long leather coat walking through the gate. "So these are the heroes," he sneered.

"Yes, Sturmbannführer," one of the Nazis responded.

"Oh, my God," Thea breathed in shock as Quentin Lance's Nazi doppelgänger approached.

Sara stepped forward, swallowing hard as she watched the Sturmbannführer approach. Laurel was just behind her, speechless. The Sturmbannführer stopped in front of Sara, looking at her long and hard before scoffing. "Blonde hair, blue eyes," he identified. "This is Nordic perfection! Why would you align yourself with the unpure?"

"Because I like men," Sara answered, lifting her head high. "And I like women."

The Sturmbannführer stared at her before huffing. "You know, I had a daughter who looked just like you, with similar compulsions." He reached out, touching Sara's cheek, then snarled, shoving her face away. "And I expunged that filth from my family line forever!"

Sara sank her teeth into her lip as the Sturmbannführer growled. "But you," he slowly turned to Laurel, who took a deep breath of her own, adjusting her stance so she was as tall as she could be. "When the Reichsmen told me who you were, I couldn't stomach the thought." He walked over, and instinctively, Laurel took a step back, feeling the anger and fury radiating off the man. "How could I? One daughter who had compulsions . . . was nothing compared to a traitor of the Reich!"

All the color drained from Laurel's face as whispers started among the prisoners. "Silence!" one of the Nazis shouted.

"Traitor?" Barry whispered in disbelief.

"I thought I recognized her face," the prisoner behind them whispered, and they turned to see he was looking at Laurel in a mixture of awe and . . . sympathy? "But to hear who she is . . . "

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