Chapter Thirty-Two

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I stand corrected - next chapter will be the West-Allen wedding. There were too many goodbyes in here. XD



"I think these are the most heroes I will ever see in one place," James remarked as the Earth-38 crew walked through the Central City park.

"If anyone had ever told me we would be here today, I would have laughed in their face," Winn smiled.

"A superhero wedding crashed by Nazis, whose asses we totally kicked," Alex grinned.

"Not bad for us, huh?" Lena grinned back.

"Definitely glad I didn't miss this," Clark chuckled.

"I'm guessing Kara still plans on staying for a few days?" J'onn asked.

"Probably even longer now," Alex nodded. "She and Oliver have been inseparable since the end of the fight."

"Guess that means we're taking her extrapolator back with us," Winn nodded.

J'onn snorted. "Not unless Oliver is going to keep her forever."

"He very well might," Lena laughed.

"Hey, Alex!" Everyone turned to see Sara walk up, a smile on her face. "Can I have a word?"

Alex took a deep breath, then nodded. "Yeah, sure."

"We'll just – " Winn pointed further away, running after the others as they hurried off.

Alex smirked. "They're not very subtle."

"Have you met my team?" Sara smirked, making Alex laugh. "So," she turned, and Alex joined her as they walked on. "You're going to another Earth, and I'm going to another time."

"Yeah," Alex smiled. "That's kind of how we roll, huh?"

"Totally normal," Sara nodded.

"Well, my definition of normal changed when my sister the super alien started dating a mayor by day, vigilante by night in another universe," Alex chuckled.

"That would change it," Sara smiled, turning to her.

"Um . . . " Alex scratched the back of her head.

"Should we – " They both asked at the same time, holding out their arms.

Alex smiled. "It's a hug thing. OK."

"OK," Sara agreed.

They laughed as they hugged each other, and Alex sighed, backing up. "Thank you for putting things in perspective for me."

"Does that mean you're gonna take my advice on Maggie?" Sara raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," Alex nodded. "I'm gonna trust my instincts. I mean, there's got to be somebody else out there for me, right?"

"For sure," Sara nodded.

"Just like there's somebody else out there for you. And for more than just a night."

"That's funny," Sara smiled. "That was my takeaway, too."

"Boss!" Mick called, and they turned to see him approach. "Ship's ready!"

Sara smiled at Alex. "Catch you on the other side," she told her.

"Hey, Sara!"

She turned around to see Jax walk up, accompanied by the Steins. "Were you really going to leave without saying goodbye?" Stein smiled.

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