Chapter Twenty-Four

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Last update of the night, guys. I wanted to get this done before I went to bed, partly because that long nap this afternoon isn't making me as tired right now . . . and because this is where I really wanted to end this chapter. And, ah . . . I need to do this. *deadlocks self in bunker* OK, now I'm ready!



"In ten minutes, Red Tornado's gonna bring down this entire facility, and there's nothing we can do to stop that robot," Leo announced as he and Ray entered.

"Then we need to reopen the gateway before that happens," Oliver nodded. "Barry, Ray – "

"We know, stop a flying robot somehow," Barry nodded.

"Good. The rest of us will open the breach."

"That's the whole plan?" Leo raised an eyebrow.

"Well, as the Snart we know used to say – " Barry deepened his voice, scrunching up his face slightly. "Make a plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan."

"Wow," Leo blinked. "That is . . . that is terrible advice! I always have a plan, down to the second, so nothing ever goes wrong!"

"Sounds like I would have liked the other Snart," Malcolm remarked.

"No, no, no," Ray reached out and took Leo's face, kissing him between phrases. "The only plan now . . . is not to leave this Earth . . . without me."

"OK," Leo smiled in agreement.

"Right," Ray turned around to Barry. "Ready for Tornado Watch."

"Let's do it," Barry nodded, flashing out and taking Ray with him.

"Here," Laurel took off the bag she had on her shoulder. "Brought these with us."

"I thought it'd be fun if we put on our costumes," Leo grinned, unzipping his own bag.

Malcolm snorted in amusement as Laurel handed him his suit. "Anything to get out of this one."

Oliver raised an eyebrow when he saw the bows in both, reaching down to pick up the one with his suit. "Where'd you get the bows and quivers?" he asked.

"And the sword?" Malcolm found one similar to the one he usually used.

"The general collects weapons," Leo answered simply.

Oliver nodded firmly. "Let's go to war."


"No one gets to the gateway!" the Sturmbannführer yelled as the Nazis assembled. "No one!" The Nazis lined up in front of the doorway to the warehouse, the Sturmbannführer watching with a smirk on his face.

That smirk abruptly vanished when the doors were thrown off their hinges by an explosion, the same blast throwing the front line of Nazis back. Firestorm flew inside, throwing two more fireballs to cover the arrival of Oliver, Slade, and Malcolm with Sara, Alex, Thea, Laurel, and Leo behind them. Oliver, Malcolm, and Thea fired arrows quickly as Slade, Sara, Alex, and Thea fired their guns, Leo powering up his cold gun. Laurel's eyes immediately found the Sturmbannführer's, and she grinned. "I've got my evil dad!" she shouted, running off.

"Cover her!" Oliver called behind him.

Sara immediately ran after her, and the remaining group split off into pairs – Oliver and Leo running straight ahead, Slade and Alex another way, leaving Malcolm and Thea to go in the opposite direction.


Slade and Alex moved through a line of crates, one of Slade's hands holding a gun, the other his sword. Alex tightened her grip on the trigger of her machine gun. Slade abruptly stopped and flattened himself against the crates, Alex doing the same. They exchanged glances, then a Nazi moved past them. Slade lunged forward and buried his sword in the Nazi's back, and Alex quickly spun to cover Slade, unloading into the Nazi that had followed the other.

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