Chapter Twenty

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Last chapter of the night, guys. Leo shares with the heroes how they've gotten to this point on Earth-X. Or, the story of how BlackOver came to be and the fate of Earth-X Laurel Lance. I think this deserves a warning: there is definitely a graphic depiction of violence here, more graphic than I normally have.

Enjoy the story!


Leo looked over at Ray, but he shook his head. "You know the story better than me," he held up his hands.

Leo sighed, looking back to the others. "To fully explain, you need to hear the whole thing," he said. "And it's a long time."

"Well, thanks to your general, we're not going anywhere any time soon," Thea scoffed.

Leo conceded the point, sitting down on the edge of one of the tables. "Well, in order to differentiate between everyone, let's stick with their names, shall we? Your doppelgänger," he looked at Laurel, "called herself Black Banshee."

"Black Canary, Black Siren, Black Banshee," Malcolm mused. "I see a pattern."

"Nearly everyone in the Reich knows how the New Reichsmen began," Leo began, leaning back. "Black Arrow's parents were high-ranking members of the Nazi Party. Prometheus's father, as you know, is one of the best assassins there is. Black Banshee's father was, at the time, one of the highest-ranking members of the SS. They all grew up together, practically inseparable. Still, considering the political power the Queen family had in the Nazi Party, it was believed Black Arrow and Black Banshee would be married off to each other."

"There's a surprise," Thea rolled her eyes.

"Thea," Oliver groaned.

"The thing is, Black Banshee let that thought consume her," Leo continued. "Whether she actually loved him or believed she loved him, that's the question. But that's the problem with the Nazis – no matter where they come from, they love the idea of power. And with Black Arrow on track to become one of the highest generals in the Reich, even to succeed the title of Führer, he was the epitome of power." He folded his arms. "Everyone knows how the Danvers relocated to the capital of the Reich, too. The adults were top-ranking scientists within the Reich, and when Overgirl landed, they saw an opportunity to gain more favor. And they certainly did – Drs. Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers were given some of the top facilities in the Reich, while their daughters entered the highest training program offered. Coincidentally, it was the same Black Arrow, Prometheus, and Black Banshee were in. Black Arrow and Prometheus actually seemed scared of Overgirl – "

"No surprise there," Sara smirked, remembering how Oliver reacted during the Dominators.

Oliver didn't skip a beat. "Shut up."

Leo smirked. "But Black Banshee saw another opportunity for power. She, along with Overgirl's sister, encouraged Overgirl to use her powers more, make people fear her. As time went along, they became as close as Overgirl and her own adoptive sister. When the Reich announced they were going to try an experiment involving a particle accelerator, Overgirl was the first to encourage Black Banshee to volunteer. That was when she got the power of a sonic scream."

"Again, a pattern," Malcolm noted.

"Anyway, that made them even closer," Leo went on, ignoring Malcolm had ever spoken. "With their combined powers, Overgirl and Black Banshee were one of the most feared combos in the Reich, like Black Arrow and Prometheus." He smirked. "Then Black Banshee's sister was caught . . . with Overgirl's."

Alex choked on air. "What?" she coughed as Thea clapped her on the back.

"I know, right?" Leo grinned. "Imagine how delighted their all-powerful sisters were to learn that tidbit of information."

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