Chapter Two

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Yeah, I couldn't resist. This was way too good of a chapter to just pass by and wait until tomorrow to do. This was hilarious to write.

Enjoy chapter two, guys!


"OK," Iris paced the cortex, checking off the RSVP list. "That's the Legends, and Oliver, Thea, and Felicity. We're just waiting on . . . possibly six more."

"Six?" Barry's eyebrows shot up. "Who did we invite besides Kara and Mon-El?"

"You invited Kara and Mon-El," Iris corrected. "I remember you talking about James and Winn, so I invited them, too."

"Oh," Barry nodded. "Yeah, it'd be good to see them again."

"And if they bring a plus one, that's a potential six people coming," Iris nodded. "So, we just need to know – "

A familiar hissing filled the room, and they turned to see a large breach form. Kara was the first out, followed by an auburn-haired woman and a woman with black hair pulled into a ponytail. Out behind them came the familiar figures of James and Winn. "There's the bride and groom!" Kara cheered.

"Hey, girl!" Iris grinned, moving to hug her. "Thank you so much!"

"Oh, like I would miss this!" Kara giggled, hugging Barry. "Congratulations, Barry."

"Thanks, Kara," Barry smiled, then held out his hand. "Winn, James."

"Hey, man," Winn grinned, clasping his hand, the two of them hugging each other. "Good to see you again."

"Congratulations," James smiled.

"Thanks," Barry smiled, turning to the two women. "And?"

"Alex Danvers," the auburn-haired woman held out her hand. "Kara's older sister."

"Oh, she talked about you all the time," Barry smiled, shaking her hand. "And last but not least?"

"Lena Luthor," the black-haired woman answered, shaking his hand, too. "Most recent member of the team, but one of Kara's best friends."

"Well, welcome to Central City," Barry smiled. "Uh, James, Winn, this is my fiancée, Iris West."

"Nice to meet you," James smiled, Winn sinking his teeth into his lip to avoid bursting into hysterics.

"Yeah, you, too," Iris looked like she was doing the same thing.

Barry looked around, frowning when he saw someone missing, but then saw Winn hastily shake his head and cut his hand across his throat. Barry cleared his throat, getting the hint, then looked at the hanger bags over Lena's arm. "Well, looks like you guys came prepared."

"Well," Lena shrugged, looking at the bags. "I'm the owner of two companies in National City now, so why not be the one to pay for what we're wearing?"

"I told her she didn't need to," Kara rolled her eyes.

"And I told you I wanted to," Lena gave her a look.

"Well, uh," Barry scratched the back of his head. "Oliver, Cisco, Wally, and I are going out for tuxes, so . . . " He raised an eyebrow.

"Not like we have any plans," James shrugged.

"Yeah, we can tag along," Winn nodded.

"Which means you three are with me," Iris beamed at the girls.

"Absolutely," Kara grinned, and Iris linked arms with her bridesmaid.

Barry, James, and Winn waved as they left. As soon as they were out of earshot, all four burst into snickers. "Oh, I wanted to do that the entire time," Lena confessed, grinning widely.

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