Chapter Twenty-Two

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Last chapter of the night, guys. Team Tech makes their move, and it's all hands on deck on Earth-X to come up with a plan.



"Ray, please," Leo told Ray as they walked through the base. "Let's talk to him."

"Look, you said to let Alex try, I let her try, she didn't succeed," Ray told Leo as he headed to his bunk. "And I don't think Oliver helped matters any. If anything, he made them worse."

"So that's that?" Leo raised an eyebrow. "We just let these poor, strangely dressed individuals lose their one way home?"

"Look, it's what Winn ordered," Ray rolled his eyes, pulling his prison shirt off. "And I am not in the habit of defying generals on any Earth."

"And what about your family back on Earth-1?" Leo asked, leaning against the opposite bunk.

"What about them?" Ray frowned.

"You'd be giving up any chance of ever seeing them again."

Ray scowled, pulling on a fresh black shirt. "Leo, why are you pushing this?"

"Pardon?" he tilted his head.

"We have fought and bled and sacrificed for this war, and then these strangers show up, and you're willing to throw everything away for them?" Ray shook his head incredulously. "The fate of the world is at stake!"

"So are the lives of their loved ones," Leo countered.

"Come on," Ray sighed.

"Tease me all you want for being sentimental," Leo walked up to him. "These heroes would risk everything for the people they love, just like I would, for you."

He kissed Ray softly, cupping his jaw, and Ray chuckled softly. "You know I can't say no when you look at me like that."

"That is why I look at you like that," Leo smirked triumphantly.


"Guys," Laurel looked up from where the ten were speaking together. "Look."

Everyone else turned around and watched Leo and Ray walk up. "We talked to the general," Ray began. "And after a lot of arguing . . . he agreed, so – "

"We're gonna help you out," Leo finished.

Barry and Alex let out sighs of relief as Thea whooped, Oliver, Malcolm, Slade, and Laurel exchanging grins. Now they were getting somewhere!


"Now, you referenced one hundred guards," Oliver said as they gathered back around the complex model. "I assume most of them are around the perimeter?"

"Correct," Leo confirmed.

"All right, we fight through them outside," Oliver nodded. "We access the main corridor. What is security like inside the hangar?"

"I'll do some recon," Barry volunteered, zipping off in a flash of yellow lightning. He was back in less than a second, papers blowing everywhere, and Oliver closed his eyes, refraining from saying anything snarky.

Malcolm did it for him. "Still not a fan of speedsters, Siren?"

"I swear to God, Malcolm . . . "

"Barry," Oliver cut in.

"Sorry," Barry grinned sheepishly at Laurel. "So, the entire facility has metahuman dampeners."

Laurel groaned in annoyance. "OK, we can't take that hangar with no powers, man," Jax agreed.

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