Chapter Twelve

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Here I was, earlier in the day, mentioning how I burned myself out last week with continuous updates . . . *looks back at all the updates for the day, snorts* Guess I'm recovered from that.

Green Arrow, Supergirl, and the Flash face off against Black Arrow, Overgirl, and the Reverse-Flash, and everyone makes a plan of attack back at S.T.A.R. Labs.

Enjoy chapter twelve, which is definitely the last update of the night!


"This is sick," Oliver finally managed to say when he had gotten his voice back.

Black Arrow had no such problems. "Do you mean looking at your reflection and seeing only weakness? I agree."

"Thawne?" Barry asked, dreading the answer.

"Direct from Earth-1," the speedster smirked. "Do you like my face?"

"It's the face you were wearing when I became the Flash," Barry swallowed.

"I thought I'd put it on again," Thawne nodded. "You know, for old time's sake. Plus . . . " He grinned. "Handsome."

"I watched you die!"

"Or did you?" Thawne smirked. "It's time travel, Barry. So very confusing. I always seem to be saying that to you, don't I?"

"Tommy killed himself," Oliver told them.

"I heard your Tommy died years ago," Black Arrow nodded. "That's what this Earth does. It makes people soft."

"We've been watching you," Overgirl told Oliver and Barry with a smirk, then looked at Kara, who tensed. "We've been watching all of you, and how you've squandered the potential of two worlds. On our Earth, we've developed a meritocracy. We've accomplished greatness."

"You're perverse," Kara whispered in horror.

Overgirl laughed, making her flinch and Oliver tense. "No, Kara, you're the perversion. The most powerful being on the planet rendered weak by saccharine Americana? My pod was blessed to crash in the Fatherland."

"Then go back there," Barry deadpanned.

"This is not your Earth," Oliver agreed. "Leave!"

"I don't answer to the likes of you," Black Arrow snorted. "My allegiance is to the Fatherland." He turned to Overgirl and smirked. "And to my wife."

Overgirl smirked back, and Barry blinked, turning to look back at his Oliver and Kara. "Never mind just being in a relationship – did you two get married when I wasn't looking?"

"Uhh," was all Kara could say, eyes wide.

"That's . . . " Oliver trailed off. "Reassuring?"

"Mazel tov?" Barry looked between the two of them.

" . . . thanks?" Kara looked at Oliver.

"Oh, God," Thawne actually rolled his eyes. "Even when you're separated by universes, you're meant to be together. Glad we decided that."

"Hey, you're the one working with them," Barry countered.

Oliver growled, getting back to the point. "Last chance. Go home!"

"And stay there," Kara added.

"All of you," Barry finished.

Thawne just smirked and tilted his head, cracking his neck. He reached back and pulled up his cowl, taking off in a flash of red lightning. Barry sped after him, yellow lightning chasing red. Oliver reached up to his quiver, drawing an arrow and aiming at Overgirl. "And what do you think that's going to do?" she scoffed. "Bullets bounce off of me!"

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