Tiny Secret | a

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Yoongi had just finished writing a letter that would go out to the parents of the kids that attended the school he worked at. He set his work laptop down and straightened his legs, being mindful to not kick the body, also known as Jimin, who sat across from him on the sofa.

Yoongi's relaxed and almost-asleep state was broken, shattered when his phone rang. His eyes shot open, glaring at the screen that had the caller ID displayed on it. The ID made no difference, if anything, it made it worse. He hoped his fiery stare would cause it to shatter.

"Are you not going to answer or shut it off?" Jimin asked, his eyes were half-lidded due to being awoken from the nap he didn't even mean to fall into. It was a damn good nap though and finishing it, unlike starting it, was something he intended on doing. Something he wouldn't be able to do if his hyung allowed his phone to just ring.

Yoongi sighed, grabbing his phone and lugging himself from the more than the comfortable sofa, and wandered into the hallway. He sighed, again. Did he really want to answer? He was positive the caller wouldn't have a good reason to call him. Nonetheless, he chose to answer the call.

"What is it, Taehyung?" Taehyung, rather loud and dramatically, took in a large and sharp breath of air and then began to talk.

"Me and Jungkookie were playing and chasing each other around like we normally do and Jin-hyung told us to stop but we didn't because we were having fun but I did tell Kookie that we should listen to Jin-hyung because he's our superior but he just said 'no, it's alright' so we continued to play and then Jungkookie hurt himself by catching his arm on the door handle or something and it began to bleed and now Jin-hyung is having a nervous-break-down because Jungkookie is 'hurt' and bleeding even though Jungkook said its no big deal and wanted to carry on but Jin cried and now he's yelling at me and Idontknowwhattodopleasehelp!" (a/n: I know i completely forgot punctuation here but its supposed to empathise that Tae spoke fast and in one breath so don't come for me in the comments kthx)

Yoongis brown eyes blinked, trying to take in everything that Taehyung had just told him. It wasn't drastically unbelievable (things like this weren't exactly considered to be rare), however, the way the message was delivered made it hard to soak up and understand.

"What am I meant to do?" Taehyung, dramatically, gasped again, this time more out of shock.

"You live in the same apartment complex as me," Tae almost screamed down the line, "you're supposed to come and save me!" Yoongi only sighed and rolled his eyes, using his free hand to support himself against the wall while Taehyung rambled about needing to be 'saved' from his hyung.

"Sorry Tae, there's nothing I can do. Jin-hyung wouldn't do anything anyways, you're 'his little baby' just like Jungkookie." Yoongi paused, furrowing his eyebrows for a moment and shook his head, "or any of us, that is."

"But hyuuung, your the second oldest!" Tae continued to whine down the phone. It sounded a little funny, Taehyungs deep voice whining to be saved. Yoongi had heard it before, many times before.

"And Jin-hyung is still my elder, he'll take my word no more than your's."

After more relentless whining from Taehyung and him trying to convince Yoongi (who denied every 'reason' and offer) to come and 'rescue' him from their hyung, Yoongi was finally able to hang up.

The black haired boy walked back into the lounge only to sigh at the sight of Jimin taking up most of the couch. However, he chose to carry himself to his own room instead of waking Jimin up to move. He smiled to himself, thinking of how much of a nice hyung he is.

Plus, he hates when anyone wakes him up, why should he needlessly do it to others?
He'd rather rest in his bed than an over-crowed sofa, too.

Yoongi sighed, feeling frustrated with himself. He knew Jimin was sound asleep, out cold and Yoongi knew the younger male wouldn't wake up anytime soon. --It'd be a surprise if he woke up before tomorrow afternoon. But, why couldn't Yoongi allow himself to slip into little space? He wanted to, he really wanted to. Now that Yoongi thought about it, he hadn't been little for weeks.

He tried everything he could but to no avail. Finally, he decided he shouldn't try and force himself into it and decided to go to sleep instead.

It wasn't particularly late, it had barely gone past six o'clock, but Yoongi always was the type that could just close his eyes and be completely consumed by sleep within four minutes. And that's exactly what he did.


I hope you was able to enjoy this short (?) chapter and that you stick around to read more ^_^

please vote, it really helps let me know people like my writing and want to read more (it also phsyiclly makes my day <3) If theres something you think i could improve on please comment and let me know! (or any of your thoughts)

Thank you for reading and have a good day/afternoon/night! ^_^ <3

*I dont re-read and check my work, please let me know of mistakes!*

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now