tiny little secret | w

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*silently prays that 'w' is the right letter*

"Hello? Yes, the caregivers gone. The kid?" Yoosun glanced at Yoongis sleeping form and smiled. "He's perfect."


"No." Yoongi stated, his foot stomping to make himself clear.

Yoosun rubbed her templas in annoyance. She never expected the job to be this difficult. Especially when that person had the mind of a six year old, at most.

"He's been refusing everything I say since he woke up."

"Because I don' like you," the little exclaimed as if it was obvious.

Rather than retaliate, the woman only glared at Yoongi.

"Look after him and do it another time. Make it soon."

"There may not be another time. I only got the job because Taehyung was busy."

"Then we'll have to make sure he's busy. Now, I have to go and meet someone -- someone who I assume can at least do their job -- don't waste Any more of my time."


"Thank you for looking after Yoongi. Was he well behaved?"

The woman, who barely managed to force a smile onto her face, nodded before adding, "he was a pleasure to look after."

"Good. Um, how much do I need to pay?"

After Jimin had paid Yoosun twenty five pounds, he saw her to the door and bid her goodbye.

"She's nice huh, Yoongi?"

"No. I don' like her," he said, a slightly brat-ish tone to his words.

"Maybe I wont get her to look after you again then." 


I'm sorry this update isn't too good. I have ideas, I just don't know exactly how to write them?

Idk but if any of you are also waiting for milkman, I have an update on the way for that too ^-^

Thank you for reading 🤗

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