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- Min-Min

q) What is your relationship with Yoongi? Other than Hoseok, Junggeok/Jungkook and Taehyung, do you have any other friends?

by Frizzyfrizzfrizz

a) Hyung is my best friend! But he doesn't like to admit it. Sometimes, I imagine being his boyfriend... but I don't think he sees me in that way, which is okay!

As for other friends, I have a few people I hang out with when I have college or when I go to the dance studio, but I Yoongi-Hyung, Hoseok-Hyung, Jungkook and Tae are the only real friends I have. And Seokjin-Hyung!

?)Hi Jimin I'm pretty sure that Yoongi is okay.

By Charaisbest

Jimin: ah, thank you. It's nice to hear reassuring words at a time like this

q) Do you like candy?

By Charaisbest

a) Yeah, if I'm in the mood for something sweet sometimes I'll borrow a lollipop from hyung. Sour things are my favourite, though.

- Sir Prince Yoongeth

q) Do you have an imaginary friend?

by Frizzyfrizzfrizz

a) Nope! I've nefer been that lonlys when I's little so I nefer needed one

q) What are your parents like? 

by meowmers99

a) My parents are loving and caring. They don't know every aspect of my life, but are very supportive of me. My mother, individually, has always been the kind of mum your friends would love because she treats them her own, but is slightly less strict than their own parents? My dad has always helps out, whether it's me or my mum that needs help, no matter what we need. They're the best anyone could ask for

- Taehyung

q) how do you like yoongi?

by meowmers99

a) I think he's a cute little and pretty well-behaved. He's sweet. But our relationship is purely platonic.

q) What, other than Junggeok/Jungkook, made you want to become a caregiver? Are you a little yourself?

by Frizzyfrizzfrizz

a) I've always liked the feeling of being needed, y'know? I was always inadequate as a child and so it didn't matter whether I was there or not. I like taking care of someone because it helps them and makes me feel like I'm good enough.

As of now, no. However, if I was to be stressed, and nothing else was working, I wouldn't be against trying it/using it.


q) As big Junggeok/Jungkook are you the opposite of little Junggeok/Jungkook? what do you do as big Junggeok/Jungkook?

by Frizzyfrizzfrizz

a) I'd say I'm pretty much the same, other than I'd rather do most things myself and don't want as much skinship. As big Jungkook I mostly go to college, play horror video games and hang out with friends.

- Sung Yoonsun

q) Does Yoongi annoy as much as you make it out to be?

by Musixune

a) Yes. I strongly dislike kids-- snotty noses, chocolate-covered mouths and god only knows what on their hands.

q) Why you such a bitch?

by LunaHowellChara

a) It's kinda my job.

q) What made you want to look after littles if you don't like them? Is it money?

by Frizzyfrizzfrizz

a) Half of my job is to look after those, well, brats. The money I make from looking after them is just simple pocket money. So, in a way, it is kind of for money?

- Other~

q) Hoseok, who I'm assuming was the little last chapter, do you yourself have a caregiver or are you an abandoned little?

by Frizzyfrizzfrizz

a) None of my friends knows I'm a little, but I use the little sitters website a lot! But I guess I am an abandoned little.. haha

- Author

q) I read all the chapters but I'm still confused about what this book is about. Why they behave like children, and then they don't. What's littlespace and what's the plot?

I really can't understand what's going on.

by Kimsoakjin

a) This book is about littlespace, mostly. They behave like children for an amount because they are littles, and doing so helps them relieve stress or other things they're dealing with, but then stop when they feel satisfied because they are still adults and have responsibilities to deal with. As for the plot, there isn't one, really. Which is probably why it's hard to follow, and I'm so sorry for it. 

Littlespace is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unachievable in their adolescence. An adult in littlespace may involve another adult referred to as a caregiver, engage in activities viewed as childish, and some may even participate in adult sexual interaction during their time in littlespace. While in littlespace, the adult is usually, but not always, referred to as an adult baby, little, or middle. A standard that all people interacting and involved in this type of scene is that they are all of legal adult age. <--- definition from urban dictionary.

q) What inspired you to make this ff and by any chance are you a little yourself?

by Frizzyfrizzfrizz

a) I was inspired by @SugasMxchi-'s fanfic that was called 'my little yoonie', I believe. That one isn't up anymore, but they have a new one which is called 'Kalopsia'. Ah, yeah, I'm a little... ^-^ I was actually little before writing these answers and thought about answering them while little lol what a disaster that would be :')

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