Tiny Little Secret | j

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*updates will be all over the shop (again -_-) as I currently never have a stable connection to the internet. I hope you guys are able to understand this, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience 🙇*

Jimin sighed, lazily flopping onto the sofa as he clicked his back after carrying Yoongi to his bed. Yoongi wasn't particularly heavy but, once asleep and limp, he felt at least five-times heavier.

The moment of numb relaxation was short-lived, however, as a knock at the door sounded, and Jimin hoped it wasn't enough to wake his little.

12:53 - it must be Taehyung and Jungkook, Jimin thought as he swung the door open without actually checking first.

"Ah, Taehyung?"

"Yeah, Jimin?" Jimin hummed, turning his attention to the boy who clutched Taehyungs hand tightly. He didn't seem very shy, but didn't seem very... out there? Either.

Maybe he and Yoongi will ge along, afteral.

"You must be Jungkook?"

"Yep!" He churped, bouncing softly for a moment.

"Aren't you just an adorable little bunny, hm?"

Junglooks hands suddenly started feeling around himself as he looked down, twisting his upper-body around once he was done looking at the front, as if he was checking what he looked like.

Taehyung chuckled and whispered something into his ear, Jimin just waiting until they were finished to invite them inside.

"Where is your little, Jimin?" Questioned Taehyung, looking around warily.

Jimin, quite comically, smacked his forehead. "Yoongi is asleep right now, he'll probably finish his nap in around "- he took a moment to read the time on his watch- "Twenty minutes or so. Jungkooks welcome to play in the nursery room, though, since Yoongi's in his big room."

Taehyung simply nodded.

"Sorry, I really need to get going. Bye!"

Shorter than recent update cause I feel sick ;-; I'll try and update the rest later though (or i might make it its own chapter idk yet and that's only if I'm able to an internet connection -_-)

I hope this is okay for you guys! ^_^

Thank you for reading 💓

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now