tiny little secret | s

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*not proof read

Why is this shiteu getting so much attention? Positive, at that.

Jimin, what was you thinking? He thought while Yoongi wrapped his skinny arms and legs around his thick leg.

Normally, the younger wouldn't mind his littles clingy-ness -- in fact, he'd love to have Yoongi want to be close to him all day -- but right now he has a mission that needs to be completed.

"Yoongi, Oh Sweetest Sugar Plum, if you want strawberry milk in a bottle, you need to stay here with TaeTae and Kookie--."

"--only my daddy, Seokie and my stuffies can call me Kookie." Jungkook paused for a moment, as if thinking his actions through before sitting next to the other little. "And Yoongi. Yoongi can call me Kookie, too."

"Um right-- as I was saying, You need to stay here with TaeTae and Jungkook, alright?"


"MinMin, can I haf this one please?" Jimin looked at what the bottle Yoongi had pointed at, noticing its baby-yellow colour.

Apparently, that was his favoured colour.

"Of course baby. How much is it?"

"The fingy says it's 'frwee fife an zeerwo'." He read, proud at himselffor telling his daddy how much the bottle was.

Jimin, knowing a bottle couldn't possibly be priced that high, glanced at what Yoongi had meant to say.

"Well done for knowing what the numbers are, Yoongs! But that little dot after the three means it's only three pounds and fifty pence."

Jimin turned around, expecting Yoongi to be trying to put the milkshake in his bottle already, only to see him stood there with teary eyes.

"Hey, what's the matter? You did really good with the numbers, I'm really proud of you! Do you want a new stuffie? Or--"

"No, Jimin, I want to go home. Right fucking now."

I'm sorry this update isn't too good, I'm not really well (it's only tonsillitis, but that shit hurts and I keep getting bad headaches.)

I wanna thank all my new readers for voting/commenting and my old ones, for being patient.

I promise something will happen within the next couple of chapters (And maybe then we can do a Q&A, because it seems fun)

Also I kinda wanna make an ig acc for my wattpad account so you guys can still stay up to date?

Thank you so much for reading, Oh Sweetest Sugar Plums!

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