tiny little secret | 4.d

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oof 'm doing well, right?

Taehyung currently sat in Jimins apartment, the older male cuddling onto him. He had told Taehyung --someone who he was more than comfortable with and found himself seeking advice from very often -- that he needed to feel close to someone, that he needed solace.

This was not how the pink-headed man thought he'd divert himself from Yoongi being missing, but he liked how he felt in this state, and so he didn't question, nor did he doubt it.

There were still times when he missed his hyung, his best friend, but the stress and worry that he was gone, and Jimin didn't know where or how long he'd be gone for, didn't present itself in Jimins mind. 


this is really short but I plan on updating again tonight so it's okay

thank you for reading!

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