tiny little secret | 2.b

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'no issues found :)' -- Grammarly talking about this very chapter 😌

Yoongi hated it where he was (where that was). No one answered his questions. No one played with him while he was little, and it was pretty hard to sleep regardless of his mindset.

He could twist and turn for hours, but the comfiest position couldn't block the noise that, whoever these people are, were making.

Yoongi was, in theory, fine. The man was fed, hydrated and somewhat kept clean. Hardly ever did these people shout at him, nevermind hit him, but the situation was still pretty scary. Though, of course, he tried his best not to allow his kidnappers to know that.

When the black-haired male was alone, he'd think about Jimin, and just how much he missed the younger. The two had a very loving, mutual relationship -- Yoongi would be the hyung Jimin needed him to be, and in return, jimin would look-after and help Yoongi.

Yeah, fucking missed Jimin.

Now, Yoongi feeling little and requiring attention, found himself humming outside a door at the end of the dull corridor. He'd been inside a few times, mostly when people didn't know what to do with him, and he assumed it was the 'leaders' room.

The little took a deep breath and puffed out his chest before pulling the door open, only to find two unknown men sat the leaders' desk.

Of course, the presence of the others didn't stop Yoongi from expressing his reason for coming all the down here, "'M bores, lonely and want to go home to Min-Min. Take me to him, right now" He told, his lips pouting and foot stomping a small bit.

The boss sighed and rubbed his head, having heard this many times before, he was sick of important business being interrupted by the brat known as Min Yoongi.

"you are not going back to this 'Min-Fuck'. That's the way it is. Get over it and out of my office."

Unnecessary to say, Yoongi threw a large fit right then-and-there.


oof this me?? updating?? four days after i just updated??? 

(let us ignore the fact milkman needs updating, yes?)

Oh! also thank you to:



for votes and comments 
(i can't remember if i thanked you on your mbs soo)

thank you for reading! <3

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