tiny little secret | 8.h

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* I wrote this on my phone because my laptop is getting fixed instead of me getting a new one. I pray for you guys

Also, we almost have 100 read on steps to happiness! That's so cool to me, thank you~!
(I don't want to post a/ns on there because it'll ruin it I think, so I'll probably end up writing thank you notes here for it tbh
Until the end that is)

Jimin and Jungkook laid on the soft floor of the latters play room, colouring together in the youngers colouring book. They shared one book, each colouring a page of their own however they wanted.

Jungkook was talking to Jimin about how he wishes the clouds in the sky were yellow, exactly how he was colouring them, and the pink-haired man nodded along to his rambling, sometimes even humbing around his pacifier.

Well, it wasn't exactly his. It was Jungkooks unused one, but Taehyung said he could have it since he didn't want to take one of Yoongis.

The older little found it odd that Jimin didn't talk while he was little. He'd just point at stuff, or move his head to say yes and no. He didn't really understand it, and sometimes got frustrated when Jimin wanted something but he didn't know what.


Jungkook grew bored of colouring and having a one-way conversation. So, instead of doing something he didn't want to do, he offered a new idea to his friend.

"Want to play dress-up?" Jimin put the lid on the red pen he was using, put it back in the bag with the rest of the colouring supplies and nodded, a huge smile showing behind his dummy.

Even as a little kid, he really got to play dress-up. He always wanted to be the princesses, but his parents wouldn't allow it, and so he didn't bother.

Jimin watched his friend walk over to a box and drag it to the middle of the room, pull the lid off and start rummaging around. The pink haired man stayed where he was, until Jungkook told him to hurry up and look for a costume.

The smaller boy peeked inside the box, trying to see what sort of things were in there, and found himself blushing.

It was mostly girls stuff, which he had no issues with, however, the clothes seemed to be very revealing.


"Daddy! Me and Jiminie dressed up!" Taehyung heared his little shout. He smiled and got up from the sofa, making his way to the play room.

When he opened the door, he didn't expect to see Jungkook in his bunny costume and Jimin wrapped up in a mattress sheet.

He chuckled, th two had very different expressions due to their outfits. Jungkook was confident and posing (but trying not to make it obvouse), while Jimin seemed to be blushing at how exposed his legs were.

"Ah you both look adorable!" He said, squatting down to hug both males. Of course, Jungkook got a little more than an innocent hug, but neither of them made it known to the innocent boy next to them.


"Hello? Tell me what you want, right now!" Yoongi heard a man shout. He didn't recognise it at the boss -- who he'd taken a liking to annoying.

Around ten minutes ago, he could hear shouting and things being thrown around. Five minutes after that, he was taken to a room he didn't even know existed in the building, along with Seokjin, who insisted on staying with the man.

Weird place to end the chapter but there we go, that's what we got.

I didn't get a new laptop. Instead someone came and picked mine up so it can be fixed.

I hope this chapter isn't too awful. It's not proof read, so just comment about mistakes, please!

I do not claim to own any lyrics that may be used in this chapter 👀 (or the last one)

Thank you for reading! ❤

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now