tiny little secret | 3.c

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who dis? updating whoo bish? 

Twenty-five minutes had passed since Yoongis scene. In this time, the leader, who had limited experience actually handling littles/children, ended up calling for help. Embarrassed beyond belief, and surely out of a reasonable deal, he'd instructed his men to make sure the boy knew just how much trouble he caused.

The leaders' men ended up dragging Yoongi out of the makeshift office, took the little into a separate room and tried to deal with him. Of course, they did nothing that actually taught Yoongi a lesson or makes him want to comply and behave. Instead, he got even more worked up, cried because of what was being said, and wanted to leave a lot more than before.

That leads us to now, where Yoongi was cuddled up and being rocked in the arms of the man he knew as 'Jinnie', but he knew his real name was Kim Seokjin.

Seokjin, when he was there, was the one who Yoongi actually enjoyed being around. He comforted Yoongi while he was little, and played games with him, and kept him company while he was big. Jin couldn't give away any information the others wouldn't, mainly because he didn't know most of the plans, but he provided Yoongi with friendship, and he was grateful for that much.


didn't plan on making seokjin part of whatever this thing is but it seemed to fit because i wanted it too 

(yes, i'm still thinking about editing the whole thing with him, jungkook and taehyung kthnx)


thank you for reading!  

( me and Nicole-Danvers-9814 are writing a little! namjoon fanfic on her account!! check it out and love it as much as you do this one, please!! 💕)

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