tiny little secret | v

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Don't forget I have an Instagram now! I'd love to talk to you guys more ♡

Also make sure you've seen the last couple chapters

"So his name is Yoongi but he's quite fond of making up nicknames and demanding to be called by it. He's quite well behaved, though, so there shouldn't be any problems there. If there are problems, my number's stuck to the fridge."

"Okay Jiminie~ you don't have to worry about a thing," the woman, who was extremely cheerful, assured Jimin.

"Uh-- right." Jimin nodded as he made his way to the door, whisper-shouting a goodbye as he closed the door.


"Jimin, what's up with you? You've been a little... edgy? All day."

"It's hyung. I'm worried about him."

"Why?" Jimins lips formed a tight line and his actions, even the light shake of his hands, stopped. He wanted to talk about how he felt, but he didn't want to talk about Yoongis little side.

"He --um-- has this thing going on and I needed to leave someone else to look after him. I just have a bad feeling all of a sudden."

"Maybe they just don't get on? I'm sure it's nothing too bad."

"Yeah. The woman seemed nice enough. I'm probably just over worrying. You know how I get, Hoseok."

Jimin sighed, lightly shaking his head. There's nothing to worry about. Sung Yoosun had good reviews, was pleasant when I met her, and Taehyung suggested her.

Sung Yoosun seems nice enough. 


It's 2:30 am what am I doing

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now