tiny little secret | 9.i

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Yoongi took in a sharp breath, his heart beginning to beat inconsistently. He started to panic at the lack of space he had, his head starting to feel slightly lighter as he felt like the walls were closing in on him.

"S-Seokie, can we come out soon, p'ease?" The boy squeaked out, causing Seokjin to look over to the pretty distressed boy. The room wasn't well lit, the only light source coming from a small gap in the entrance, but it was enough for him to see Yoongis tear filled eyes.

He reached his hand out, taking hold of the littles barely smaller one and rubbed his thumb in circles.

"Of course we can," he said, his voice soft in hopes of calming the younger. "But, Yoongi, you need to be big right now, Okay? Do you think you can do that for me?"

He saw Yoongi nod and wipe his tears before they rolled down his cheeks, his lips in a straight line.


"Do you think it's the police, Hyung?" Seokjin turned to the whispering man, smiling an unsure smile for the nth time.

Not that much time had passed, only around fifteen minutes, and it seemed that Yoongi had calmed down along with most of the noise from outside their small room.

"It could be, Yoongi-ah." Said boy hummbed and nodded, looking back down to focus on playing with his hyungs fingers.

He hoped it was the police. He wanted nothing more than to be back in Jimins arms, watching a film on the sofa with a fluffly blanket over the pair of them.


Yoongi and Seokjin could clearly hear heavy footsteps walking around just outside and deep voices mumbling to each other.

Yoongi felt his heart beating fast, only this time it was because he was sure he was going to be found. And he couldn't wait for it to happen.


She's a little edited today 🙂

Dont worry, I have another update to upload later tonight or tomorrow~

Thank you for reading! 💜

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now