tiny little secret | o

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"Taehyung?" A hum was heard as response from the phone, telling Jimin to go on. "It's Yoongi -- I really fucked up, Tae, and I don't know how to fix it."

A moment passed before the other male sighed. "While you can -- and should -- try to help him, this all as to happen on Yoongis terms, at his pace. He's the one that got hurt so he's the one that decides when -- and if -- he wants the same relationship with you."

"Don't lose hope of it as I'm sure Yoongi will forgive you, just don't wait on it and do not force it. If it's been forced, then Yoongi probably won't feel comfortable with it."

Jimin nodded at the younger ones words. He was so experienced,  always knew what to do, something that Jimin doubted he'd ever come close to.

"Alright, thank you for the advice." The call was soon ended after that and Jimin stared of in the direction of Yoongis room.

Try to help, but don't force it. Just, let it happen on hyungs terms. He'd let me know if it was getting too much. Jimin thought, not truely believing his own words.

How could when, as soon as Yoongi was comfortable, he spent a lot of time in his headspace? Surely it was already weighing on him. Surely he missed colouring and finally getting his well-deserved praise? Surely he wanted to cuddle his stuffies at a time like this and missed saying good morning and goodnight, making his day or bedtime better.

It wouldn't be easy - letting it all go at Yoongis pace, Jimin only wanting him to let himself go again, but it seemed it was best, and so he walked himself to his room to sleep.

This was only meant to be around 170 words but it got to around 290 \(    )/
That's probably going to be the length of most chapters for a while  (around 150-400)

bUt I tHiNK iT woRkS bETreR, for now anyways.

ThAnk you for reading, stars (hehe goes with my username ~(>_>)~)

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