tiny little secret | g

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A/n: sorry it's taken so long to update, I've been having wifi problems. But, to make up for it, we have a double update whoop

Also idk how long im going to have internet access for but I should have some in a day or so

edit: edited but point out mistakes if you find some!

Jimin sighed as his almost numb fingers typed all sorts of nonsense into the search engine. He had been like this for at least fifteen-minutes by now.

It's not too much of a shock, really. A babysitter for littles probably didn't even exist.

Another ten minutes later (and being very close to giving up) Jimin, once again, finds a strange website.

"Little babysitters," he read aloud. It seemed simple, pretty self-explanatory. Maybe even cute. 

Might as well see what it's all about, I guess. Jimin shrugged his shoulders and clicked onto the website.

He skimmed through most of it until he came to need a profile.

Create a profile?



Username: Park Min-Min
*E-mail: Park.J.4@fastmail.com
*this is so we can inform you of any updates/changes, offers and other things that may be important.
It also allows our sitters to contact you directly if you give permission for them to do so. 
You can opt out of this at any time.
Create a password: yoo********4
Confirm a password: yoo********4

Great, you're almost finished! Choose what membership suits your needs best!
*all membership options allow unlimited use except for "Free". click here for more information.

Free: this membership is good for caregivers who don't need a babysitter very often or for very long. 
*pre-booking a sitter is adviced for this option.
*see more details or talk with a sitter for more information.

Regular: This is a good option for those who lead the busy lifestyle and can't always be around.
*pre-booking could be helpful but is not required to secure a sitter.
*see more details or talk with a sitter for more information.
*£10 a month plus the sitters' charge.

Busy: Like the "regular" membership, this is a good choice for those who can't always look after their little. This option has perks such as always having access to one of our best little-sitters at any time and overnight babysitting. 
*see more details or talk with a sitter for more information.
*£10 a week plus the sitters' charge.

Jimin contemplated what membership would be most convenient for him; a college student who has classes that can last up to two hours, a part-time job and a dance school to attend outside of college.

Awesome! You selected "Busy", is this correct?


Welcome, "park Min-Min." Your first payment will be taken one week from now.

You can pay using a credit/debit card, adding a safe-money account or cash-in-hand.

Please note: you can delete your account and change/cancel your membership once your payments have been made.

Jimin sighed and glanced at Yoongi, who had been colouring, sometimes nodding at his "mas'er peice" or getting frustrated because of "messing i' up".

For today, Jimin would have to miss a day at work and college.

He didn't want to leave Yoongi with some stranger offline because he had only just found out about Yoongis precious little side and, as selfish as it is, Jimin didn't want anyone else to see it just yet.

This is based in korea but because I don't want to make mistakes id rather just use the currency I'm familiar with, sorry about that.

I like this chapter what??? Lol probably because it's mostly just Jimin making a profile but stiiiilllll

Also am i getting back on track whaaaaaat???

Thank you for reading! 💛

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now