One shot | a

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Not proof read duh

"Daddy!" Jimins eyes snapped open when he heard the shout, tiredness barely gone as he jumped out of bed after a couple minutes and rushed into the lounge.

When he heard the shout from his little, he thought he had been harmed. So, he was quite shocked to see Yoongi with cookie crisps spilled onto his lap, along with the bowl they were supposed to be in.

He sighed and walked over to Yoongi, telling him not to move as he started to remove his trousers, making sure they went inside out so the cereal didn't go all over the floor.

"Okay. Think you can fill the bath while I clean the milk up?" Yoongi nodded and skipped off, singing of how he was going to add lots and lots of bubbles.

Jimin only shook his head and smiled as he filled the mop bucket up, carried it into the lounge and mopped the mess up. Thank god they opted for laminate floors and rugs in the room.


"Ah you're a funny little prince, huh? Well, I'll show you!" Jimin giggled, scooping some of the bubbles from Yoongis bath.

It wasn't a surprise when he walked in to find that the floor was almost unseeable due to bubbles, and that Yoongi was also hidden under a mountain of bubbles in the bath. Though he didn't mind. Bathtime for the little usually looked like that, and who was Jimin to complain?

Anyways, Yoongi squealed and dove under the water when he saw Jimin was armed with mass amounts of bubbles, consequently soaking the younger man. But he only laughed and waited for the little to need air.

"No more! N-no more!" Yoongi laughed out while Jimin tickled him as he tried to dry the little.

"Ah hold still Yoongs, you'll be dry soon," he said, still holding onto Yoongi.

"Okay, all done. Want to pick your pajyamas?"

"Yes p'eash."

Soon the two were cuddled up on the sofa, watching a Disney film with snacks and blankets.

I'm not making a permanent return, but I'm going through something right now and I want to distract myself from that whenever possible.

Sorry it's not great, I've kinda lost passion for writing but it's also all I'm at least decent at 🤷🏻‍♀️

BUT I wanna mention that I still log in sometimes and read comments and I'm really great full for them. And over 100k reads! ❤️

Also if you would to we can chat and catch up. I miss a lot of my wattpad friends

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