tiny little secret | f

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edit: this is edited but if mistakes are noticed please comment! 

Yoongi and Jimin lay on the couch, Yoongi between Jimins legs and Jimins arms wrapped around the younger who sighed in contentment. Though the pink haired male was a tad bit small than the little, Yoongi felt safe and warm in his arms.

It was a nice moment for the pair, who had fallen asleep halfway through Peter Pan, to share.

Jimin smiled down at the small boy when he felt him wiggle, his dummy nearly falling out his mouth as he yawned.

His sleep-clouded-eyes opened and stared at jimin, sleep, innocence and curiosity  (but mostly sleep) swirling around them. "Mor'in' Min-Min," he said as he rubbed his eyes.

Jimin smiled at the cute nickname that Yoongi now said without a care, rather than looking away or blushing whenever he stuttered it out. "Mornin', Yoongs."

It was silent for a little while after that, Yoongi just resting his head on Jimins chest again as his 'Min-Min' plays with his hair.

It's nice to have this, to able to call Jiminie my caregiver - my Min-Min, Yoongi decided.

"Baby boy, what would you like for breakfast?"

"Wice quispies - with wots of sugar!" Was his reply, along with his gummy smile.

Jimin poured the cereal into one of Yoongis cartoon dishes before adding milk and sugar -- not too much, though Yoongi pouted at that.

Jimin watched as his little ate the sugary cereal, his cheeks full and lips trying to form a smile.

When the dish was almost empty Yoongi stopped eating, a soft pout on his lips as he looked down at what was left of his breakfast.

"What is it, Yoongs?"

"It's -- it's all soggy and gross!" Jimin sighed as he watched Yoongis face scrunch up.

"Yoongi, you need to eat it -- how else will you get all sweet?"

Yoongi flicked a small bit of his cereal at Jimin, giving him a gummy smile right after. "I'm already sweet," he giggled out. He flicked more at Jimin, aiming for his mouth. "Swour Min-Min need sugar to be sweeter!"

It was when what was left in the dish ended up in Jimins pink hair that he got an actual scolding.

"Yoongi," he started, his tone stern, "naughty step for ten minutes."

Yoongi waddled over, his head hung and feet barely moving. 

Again, it broke Jimins heart to have to punish the little.

I'm not really happy with this chapter... I've been really thrown off since I forgot part of the plot ;-;

Anyways, it's tying between little tae/cg kook and little kook/cg tae which is oddly amusing for me

I wonder who it will be~

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