Tiny Litte Secret | c

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*NOT proofread if you notice a mistake please feel free to attack me in the comments!*

Jimin mindlessly pushed his shopping trolly down the aisle while looking down at the list he had made. He had most of what he needed; all he needed now was some food that a child might like eating and a few things from online stores (such as adult pacifiers, bottles, nappies and clothes). The male smiled, stuffing the shopping list into his pocket and began pushing the trolly into the food section of the shop.

Okay, I'll get some sweets and 'fun' shaped food. Jimin stopped thinking and looked up, only to look down and start thinking again in frustration. What was Yoongi-hyung's favourite childhood food? Once again, Jimin was brought from his thoughts, but this time due to a crashing sound. He had crashed his trolly into somebody else's.

The girl, who he hazily remembered seeing at the dance school he attended, looked down at his cart and then at him with an odd look. Jimin gave the girl a quick and nervous smile before rushing off and searching for the rest of what he needed.


Yoongi woke up and stretched, for once, he was satisfied with the sleep he got and so he got straight out of bed.

He shivered, being out of his covers his skin was vulnerable to the cold air that seemed to fill the entire apartment. 

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and walked out of his room. That's odd; the apartment is chilled and silent, Jimin's usually awake by now, he thought, but pushed the thought aside as he shook his black-haired head and walked into the kitchen. He had a busy day on Friday, he's probably still asleep. 

Once in the kitchen, Yoongi headed for the fridge and grabbed the four-pint bottle of milk. He sighed- it was icy cold, just how he liked it. Yoongi's entire face lit up as he had, what he wanted to call, a brilliant idea which he soon voiced. "I'll have milk an cookies!" He beamed, smiling as he made his desired breakfast.

After picking out his favourite chocolate-chip cookies, Yoongi went into the lounge and grabbed the TV remote from the coffee table and put come cartoons on.

Once a show that Yoongi liked and knew well, he happily sang along to the theme song while he munched on his cookies and drank his milk. 

Suddenly, Jimin burst through the door, all the bags from his 'little' shopping trip in hand. Both males faces' paled, their minds searching for an excuse for their activities. 


I know this chapter is short and crappy and a bit jumpy but i had this little idea so I wrote it real quick. 

if you did like it please voteeee~ ^_^ 

I also wanted to say that over the weekend I had gotten some bad news so chapters probably will be quite short and crappy, so I'm sorry about that >.< 

I hope you liked it~

Thank you for reading and have a good day/night <3

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now