tiny little secret | p

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Yoongi lay in bed, his cheeks feeling chapped and raw from how many times he's had to rub at them in order to get rid of his bothersome tears. Because Big-Yoongi doesn't need to cry over anything, doesn't need sympathy or to be taken care of.

The male was nicely wrapped up in his pastel-yellow blanket -- the only 'little' gear he kept out -- simply because even Yoongi has a comfort item. Plus, it technically was not a littlespace thing, because he uses it in both mindsets.

Though, after fifteen minutes of trying to wrap himself in the blanket tighter, Yoongi found that no amount of snuggling into the blanket would block his troublsome feelings. The soft material did, however, mufle them and, for that, the black-haired male was grateful.

If only I could share this moment with jimin, he thought, though he shook his head soon after. He didn't need thoughts like that at the moment, not when he isn't a little anymore.

Just a little something from Yoongis p.o.v

Sorry this took a bit longer to get out, what I had planned didn't make any sense and then something came up, but it's sorted now! 😁

Thank you for reading! <3

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