tiny little secret | 6.f

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Jimin woke up, finding himself wrapped in snug, strong arms and surrounded by pastel blankets. At least three were covering the man, and he could feel the one tangled around his legs.

The pink-haired male turned around, finding it a little challenging due to the arms that tightened around his torso, and smiled when he saw Jungkook still fast asleep, pacifier barely staying between his parted lips.

He sighed when he realised Jungkook had to wake up, stretching his hand out to lightly nudge the sleeping boys' shoulder.

Apparently, Jungkook is a heavy sleeper, because Jimin was now repeating the boys' name, and he still wasn't waking up.

Groaning and giving up, the older male crossed arms and rolled over, hoping that Jungkook would wake up soon.


"Seokjin-Hyung, why do you come here? You're too... nice to be an actual part of this whole thing." Said male smiled at Yoongi, looking down to his hair, that he was currently playing with.

"My brother is the leader of this. I don't take part in what they do to people, I'm more of a 'maid' than anything else." Yoongi chuckled at Seokjins way of describing his role in this place but nodded in agreement nonetheless.

"Do you think I'll see Min again?" The older mans' hands stopped all movement, and stroked Yoognis cheek instead.

"If the police find you on time, sweetie."

"How much time do I have?"

"Two weeks, I think," he said in a weak voice, and Yoongis eyes filled with tears.

He'd been here for a week and a bit, no way was he going to be found. 

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now