tiny little secret | h

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edit: this is edited but if you see a mistakes please point it out!

"Min-Min, don't look at my guest like that!" Yoongi suddenly shouted, making Jimin jump.

After Yoongis short nap, the black-haired boy had been feeling a little older and, as a result of him being all mature now, threw a tea-party.

Jimin had to think fast in order to play along with his little. "But Yoongi--"

"I think you mean "Sir Lady Yooniouse First", yes?"

"--Yes, of course -- he was --" Yoongi raised his hand, cutting Jimin off once again. "What is it?"

"You need to say the name." Jimin looked at the boy across from him, looking for any sign that he'd be joking but, of course, Yoongi was serious.

"Sir Lady Yooniouse First, Petal was looking at me like that first," he said as he crossed his arms. "I was simply defending myself from him."

"Not possible. I won't even conshider it." He took a sip of his non-existent tea, his pinky finger out and sipping loudly and nose still in the air once the cup was put back on the table.

The rest of the party went on fairly well, with the exception of Yoongi constantly telling Jimin to call him his "proper name".

Now Jimin stared at his laptop once again, this time looking at some of the possible babysitters.

Welcome back, "Park Min-Min!" Would you like to choose a sitter?


"Kim Namjoon"

This sitter is always ready to look after a little and have fun while keeping them safe. Baking nice cookies or cupcakes? You don't need to worry about coming home to a burned little or no home.

"Kim Taehyung"

Exprienced by having his own little, Taehyung always has a second plan to save the day. Whether it is running around endlessly, cuddling up in a huddle of blankets or telling a story, he never lets a little down.

"Wi Junghee"

Jungee is always fun, but never shy of being stern if need be. He's defiantly the sitter to call in if your little likes to get up to mischief.

"Bang Hyejul"

With great enthusiasm and natural motherly-instincts, Bang Hyejul always takes great care of any little.

Choose the sitter of your choice or look at more options.

Kim Namjoon
Kim Taehyung
Wi Junghee
Bang Hyejul

Jimin stared at the brief descriptions, thinking of who would be best for Yoongi. He had ruled Kim Namjoon out, worrying he'd be too soft and Yoongi may be too much for him.

Wi Jungee seemed like he'd be a pretty good choice, seeing as it seems like he won't take any hassle. Then again, what if he made Yoongi cry?

Bang Hyeji seemed like she'd be pretty decent, but she also didn't have too much written about her. Maybe she's a new babysitter?

Kim Taehyung; he seems like the most sensible one to pick, him being a caregiver and all. He'll be able to keep Yoongi safe like Namjoon, keep him out of trouble like Jungee, and, from his description, he also has great enthusiasm like Hyejul.

Jimin nodded, satisfied with his short analysis of each babysitter his choice.

Kim Namjoon
Kim Taehyung
Wi Junghee
Bang Hyejul

You selected "Kim Taehyung" is this correct?


Type your message to Kim Taehyung here: Hey, I may need you to look after my little tomorrow at 9:15 am. I hope this is okay? You can reach me by email

Once Jimin shut his laptop off, got a glass of water and sat back down, he got an email.

From: the.K.Taehyung1@airmail.com
Sure, email me before then to let me know. I may also need to bring my little along  \_(-_-)_/
How long for?

To: the.K.Taehyung1@airmail.com
... Of course. You might need to keep an eye on Yoongi though, I'm pretty sure he's never been around another little before.
Five hours and ten minutes.

From: the.K.Taehyung1@airmail.com
Alright, I charge £10 per hour so it'll be £50 however, if something goes wrong then there's a £5 deduction. If my little does come then I'll take £5 off anyways.
Maybe see you tomorrow :)

I threw in a vote because some of them had the same amount of votes pleasedonthateme.

Anyways, I hope everything seems good to you guys


Thank you for reading! ^_^

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