tiny little secret | m

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I was going to have Jimin kidnapped-

*not proofread at all

Jimin woke, his neck crooked and tension between his shoulders, Hoseok also lying on him. He groaned as he tried to move, only for the older to turn into his belly in order to wrap his arms and legs around him, further restricting his movements.

So, instead of trying to wiggle his way out of his hyung long limbs, he settled down and tried to relax again.

Until his phone buzzed next to his ear and his eyes widened as his screen lit up with three missed calls and six messages from Taehyung.

-xxxx xxxx xxxx-

Jimin, it's Taehyun, Yoongi's crying because Jungkook's being mean to him (£10 deduction, btw) but I can't get him to settle because he wants you.


C'mon, man, Yoongs wants you.


This is not cool. Yoongi CRIED himself to sleep because someone was too busy doing whatever the hell you decided was more important than being here for their little. Btw, he was crying because he thought you don"t love him.

Just, get home, Jimin. Yoongs been upset enough, he doesn't need to wake up with you still out.

After reading those messages, Jimin felt his heart swell and crack. He was selfish, and he put his own wants before what Yoongi needs and that was unfair to the boy.

With the intent od getting to Yoongi Young as soon as he can, Jimin launched himself up, Hoseok following the movement and waking up while Jimin got off the sofa to grab his coat.

"Jimin-ah, what's wrong?"

"I uh-- I need to go home, Yoongi's... sick so I need to look after him." He answered, hoping Hoseok would believe his obvious lie in his tired state.

"Alright, I hope he gets better soon."

"I'll let hyung know. And, thank you for the drinks, Hobi-Hyung."

Jimin left after that, feeling a little rude for his sudden leave, but also needing to get to Yoongi, to tell him how much he cares about him and to cuddle him.


When Jimin got home, however, his welcoming was not very welcome at all. In fact, he almost wanted to run right back out the door at the angry look on Taehyungs face and knew he was going to get an ear full.

"Oh, so you planned on coming home?"


"Yoongi cried his poor self to sleep, Jimin! And you ignored my texts and calls, what was it that was so important to you?" Jimin couldn't bring himself to answer, he was ashamed that he let his little down, and so he took whatever Taehyung had to say. It was raw, and Jimin knew this was something the younger took very seriously.

"If you're going to be this boys caregiver, you have to take it seriously. Littles are sensitive, need constant reassurance and attention. Yeah, that sometimes means having to drop things and take care of them, but we do it because we love them and damn it, Jimin, you can't break his trust with this." The male took a breath, stopping himself. He was surprised he was going this far-- he barely knows Jimin and here he is, yelling at him in his own house.

"C'mon, Jungkook, we're gonna go home. Jimin, email me and we'll talk about the price and such."

Once the two left, Jimin went to his littles bedroom, opening the door to find Yoongi curled up with a bunny stuffie.

"Yoongi, Min-Min's home," he said in a soft tone.

"Go 'way. Yoonie no wan' to see you."

"Please, Yoonie, I missed your special cuddles."

"I wanted one of your cuddles las' night but you lef' me," he mumbled, a sour tone in his words. It hurt, just like how the boy was last night, but Jimin didn't know how to make it up to him.

"Well, Yoonie, I think you're being a meanie." At this, said boy whipped his head from the covers that were covering it to face his caregiver.

"I ish not a meanie."

"Can Min-Min have cuddles then?" Yoongis lips formed a pout as he thought, his eyes cast down.


And that was what the two did. They cuddled on the sofa and watched whatever Yoongi wanted to watch. And he got tired, Jimin got in his bed with him to continue cuddling him.

This is a bit short but I didn't know what to do \_(    )_/

I'm also a little stuck on what to write next >~<


Thank youuu for readinggg ^-^

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