tiny little secret | 1.a

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A whole week. Yoongi has been missing for a week.

To say Jimin has done nothing but stress and worry and blow up in the police station would be an understatement. Surely, it'd be easy enough to connect the dots and track Sung Yoosun but, apparently, that's 'not how things work'.

There was nothing Jimin could do, he didn't have the years of knowledge and technology to even come close to getting any further than the professionals. any attempt he made was a lost cause and ended up being useless information.

Of course, Jimin knew his hyung would at least be alive, hopefully, doing as well as someone can be in his situation. He held onto thoughts that told him that Min Yoongi was a tough man, likely sassing and ordering his kidnapper around, and would return home, not failing to slap Jimin on the back of the head for leaving him there for so long. (Or that he'd be little and be a brat, making sure he got his payback.)

It was wishful thinking, but it comforted the man at night when he couldn't give his little a good-night-kiss on the forehead before bed, and so he chose to hang onto them until Yoongi returned.


i rEAlLY aM tRyiNG to makE it sAD bUt i DonT thINk iT's woRKinG

I'm gunna try and wrap this up soon... I just don't feel that motivated to write for this book anymore (as the really long wait for updates will tell you)

it's short, but i hope it wasn't too bad lovelies

thank you for reading! <3  

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