tiny little secret | 5.e

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*not proof-read!
prepare yourselves lol

Jimin chewed on the sleeve of his white hoodie while Taehyung held his small, chubby hand in his large one. The shorter man found that even the insignificant, simplest touch from Taehyung helped to soothe him.

The pink-haired man abruptly stopped, Taehyung stopping soon after, and seemed to be staring at a cafe.

"Hey, Min, you alright?" The said boy looked at Taehyung, who saw the tear fall from Jimins eyes and roll down his full cheeks, his own eyes softening.

The taller male let go of Jimins hand, stood in front of him and squatted, motioning with his hands for Jimin to hop onto his back. The boy lingered for a moment, worrying that be may be too heavy for Taehyung to bear, but brushed off, deciding that he probably carries Jungkook, who is taller and has added muscle compared to himself.

Once Taehyung had a secure grip on his hyung, and Jimin let Taehyung know he was ready by pointing forward, the two continued their walk to Taehyungs house.


"He's sweet, right?" Jungkook nodded, agreeing with his boyfriends' comment while he washed some cherries.

"I wouldn't have thought of Jimin as a little, though. Did you suggest it to him?"

Swalling a cherry he stole after Jungkook had washed it, Taehyung answered. "Yeah, I did. He was really upset about Yoongi -- as anyone would be -- so I offered to help him."

Jungkook nodded again before pecking Taehyngs lips and heading back into the lounge, where Jimin sat, a lilac blanket wrapped around him while he watched 'guess how much I love you'.

Jungkook placed the bowl of cherries on the littles' lap, Jimin slightly bowing as thanks.


Did you expect Jimin to be a little? I hope not ^-^

I don't think I'll really focus in on it... unless people want to see it a little more?

I kinda wanna change the name of this fanifc, any suggestions?

thank you for reading!

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now