Tiny Little Secret | e

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Updating whoo?

edit: i did edit this but if you spot a mistake please point it out!
to all that read the un-edited version: i deeply apologise 

Yoongi only stood and stared into the room, an odd discomfort clouding the emotions he wanted to let out. He wanted to run into the room and play with the cute, fluffy-looking stuffies and, once his tummy was full with all the sweets from the jars he'd spotted, take a nice nap in the bed with his favourite teddy. But instead, his face remained blank and Jimin took it as a hint to explain.

"So, I take you already know about littlespace?" Yoongi only looked at the male and turned away. "Well, I was thinking we could try it out - you seem to get stressed a lot and I want to help with that."

Yoongi smiled, the thought of someone doing such a thing to just help him out melting his usually cold expression. "Okay," he said.

"I thought you'd say that hyung bu- wait, okay?"


Before Jimin could say anything else, his hyung walked off to his room, which also made Jimin slightly confused. Doesn't he know everything's in this room? He chuckled a little at his silly and accusing thought.

Yoongi returned but, instead of being in the same dark coloured clothes as before, he wore an adult-sized, baby blue baby-vest that had white clouds on it (a/n: y'know, them things that are like onesies but without the legs and arms and pop together at the bottom?) Jimin, this time, was the one without a reaction. This had Yoongi scoffing.

"What? Don't tell me you don't like my best vest." Jimin smiled and shook his head, disregarding his hyungs accusation and leading him into the room.



"Yoongi-" Jimin didn't get to finish scolding the little who threw the second stuffie at Jimin, his aim being perfect as it hit him straight in the face.

"I told you i's not Yoongi anymwore i's Sir Prince Yoongeth-the greates' and bestes' ever!" Yoongi proudly claimed while Jimin only sighed and got up. "W-wait, wha' you doing?"

"You keep throwing tantrums, I think it's time you had a time-out." It pained Jimin to punish Yoongi, especially when he's so sweet and it's his first time in being little with Jimin but, he can also be a bit bratty when the time suits him.

Yoongi squealed and run around the room chanting, "Onwy if you catch me, poophead!" However, the little chase didn't last long as Yoongi soon cornered himself.

Jimin picked him up easily and placed him on his hip, carrying the little to the stairs while Yoongi only pouted.

"It'll only be for six minutes, baby boy," Jimin stated, his expression almost matching yoongis pouty one, who only turned away in response. Jimin sighed and headed to the kitchen, making some chocolate milkshake and slicing strawberries for his baby.

Jimin put the freshly cut strawberries in a plastic dish and set it down on the coffee table.

It had barely passed four minutes and the silver haired male couldn't help but get his little a bit early so they could curl up and snuggle on the sofa. And that's what they're doing now, Yoongi asking if he could watch 'the lion king' and Jimin replying, "of course."


Sooo, she was pretty short but I (j)hope you enjoyed this chapter - I tried to make it funny  \_(-_-)_/
Honestly, I wish I could say that while I've been gone I was writing chapters 24/7 but I can't :( tbh I know it sounds stupid as it's been three months now but I'm still upset over my dad. It doesn't help that my uncle (from my dads side) thinks there's something more to what's gone on and wants us to just get on a plan and go other there

But! finally writing something and not just thinking about it has made me feel better :) I hope to update again soon~ also, how do you feel about the new cover?


Oof let's end this awfully long a/n

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now