tiny little secret | y

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Hold onto your weaves

(Jk This is 101% gunna succ)

Jimin smiled at Yoongi, who was oblivious to his caregivers fond smile as he could only stare out the window at the passing scenery with glazed eyes filled with wonder.

It somewhat amused the pink-haired male; simply watching his little, because Yoongi knew all about the world and how it worked, yet here he was, rediscovering everything he already knows.

It amazed the caregiver, and he was happy and proud to be a part of it.

"Min-Min! Look at the sheepys!" Jimin looked out the littles window, seeing the animal that seemed to excite Yoongi.

"They're cute and soft, just like you."

"Yeah, but they have fluffy hair just like you," he stated matter of factly, to wich Jimin chuckled.


Once at the park (that was, of course, recommended by Taehyung due to it being rather secluded), Jimin unpacked the small picnic he had put together for the two.

"Min-Min, can you p'ease push me on the swing?" Yoongi politely asked.

"Of course baby bo-- is that Sung?" Jimin wondered aloud, Yoongi looking in the same direction, hoping it wouldn't be her.

"I think it is, Yoongi, and it looks like she's with another little. Why don't we shout them over?"

"Because I don' like that-- that smelly, shtupid lady."

"Don't be rude. You don't have to talk to her lots, just say hello and make friends with the other little boy,  okay?" Yoongi moaned but agreed, crossing his arms and pouting.

The last time he was going to "make friends" and "play" with another little, he got pulled out of his bed and his crayons broken. He was determined to be the tough one this time.

"Yoosun-Ssi!" The older yelled, grabbing the attnetion of the lady, who started walking closer.

When she was close enough, she said hello and sat on the bench next the man. (A little too close for Yoongis liking, but he kept quiet).

"What brings you out here?"

"Ah Yoongi wanted to go out so I asked Taehyung where a good place to take him would be, considering he doesn't really like strangers seeing him while he's little, and Tae said here should be fine."

"You seem to get a lot of advice from Taehyung," she stated, a bland tone to her words.

"Taehyung has a lot of experience, though he's quite young, I feel like he always thinks about what he's saying or doing. Especially when it comes to littles, he's very serious about it. I always turn to him for help"

"Woah, Jimin-Ssi, you talk about him like he's your sunbae."

"It's easy when I'm talking about Taehyung," Jimin scratched the back of his neck and smiled, feeling a bit shy.

"Um-- please, excuse me, I need to make a phone call. Could you keep an eye on Hoseok for me?"

"Of course." Yoosun thanked the older male and went just outside the park, her phone already in hand.

Suddenly remembering that he hasn't checked on Yoongi since he spoke to the other caregiver, Jimin quickly got up and looked around, his slightly frantic eyes soon spotting his little on the climbing frame.

"Yoongs, do you want anything from the picnic?" Said boy stopped his climb to the top, looked down at Jimin, and then carried on.

"No thank you Min-Min," he said, pausing to think for a moment. "Hobi might be feelin' hungrys though."

The pink-haired males eyebrows furrowed in confusion, the name familiar, but surely it couldn't be his hyung.

Yoongi noticed that Jimin hadn't moved, and told him a bit more about Hobi. "His real name is Hosheok, he's on the ofer side of the climbing frame at the bottom."

Jimin nodded and headed to the other side of the climbing frame, seeing Hoseok sat with his eyes closed.

"Hi H-Hoseok, what're you doing?" Said boy flinched a bit, opened his eyes and smiled at Jimin.

"Me and Yoonie is playing a game and I needs to sit righ' here an' count to 20 but I got stucks at 8."

"O-oh okay, that sounds fun! Yoosun had to make a phone call so I'm watching you for a couple minutes, would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"No fank you."


It was beginning to get late, the wind slightly picking up, and Jimin decided it was a good time for him and his little to get home.

"Ah, Yoosun-Ssi, it's getting a bit chilly, I think me and Yoongi should be heading off."

"Me and Hoseok, too," she agreed, packing up alongside Jimin. "Here, I'll finish chucking the rubbish away while you go and get Yoongi, okay?"

Jimin hummed and quickly walked to the climbing frame, only to find that the black-haired boy wasn't there. 

Guessing that Yoongi simply went to play on something else, he went on to check around the rest of the park.

W-where is he? He thought, shouting the boys name, though he didn't get a reply.-- No "yes, Min-Min?" Or even Yoongi running towards him, arms flailing around.

"What's the matter?"

"Yoongis g-gone and I c-can't find him!"

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