One shot | b, pt 1

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"What about these, Yoongi?" Jimin held up a pair of trunks with pineapples on them that seemed to cover a decent amount of skin.

The little stopped putting various trunks on his head (something he shouldn't of been doing in the first place) and grabbed the ones Jimin held, putting them on his head instead.

"They'll do. Now, lets go, servant, we have important water-business to get to." Then he marched away — the wrong way, but that's okay.

Jimin playfully rolled his eyes and caught up with Yoongi, taking the swimming shorts off his head and leading him the right way.

"Yoongs remember that we're in public. Remember our outside rules?"

"Always stay where you can see me. No talking to strangers. Always call you Min-Min if lots of people are around. Tell you if I feel too little and the rest is the same as inside rules," he drawled out.

"Good boy."

The two finished shopping and went to the check out area, where they also purchased their bands and locker keys.


"Min-Min, watchin'?" Yoongi called from the edge of the pool, making sure his caregiver was watching before doing a front-flip into the pool.

Jimin laughed and clapped, "woah that was super cool, Yoongs!"

However, while they splashed around, a tall, buff, grumpy looking lifegaurd made his way over to the pair.

"Excuse me, we don't allow doing front-flips into the pool."

"Ah sorry, it won't happen again."

The lifeguard frowned and crossed his arms, shaking his head. "I'm afraid I have to ask you two to leave."


Ik this is an odd place to leave end the chapter but I don't know what else to write and I promised a friend I would publish a new part soon

Also, please send some love to Imalittle1 , she's so sweet! And I have a feeling she's a bit sad at the moment so I'd really appreciate it if you could just make friends with her!

She's such a lovely girl so I doubt it'd be hard

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