tiny little secret | hold me tight

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Kind of edited but comment on mistakes please thank you

"We're getting Yoongi!" The little quietly but excitedly said, shaking the black-haird boy in the back seat, a smile on his plump lips. Jungkook only smiled back and allowed himself to be shook.

Taehyung, however, had to tell Jimin to calm down, as they may not of actually found him. Usually, telling the man this wasn't such a bad thing, since he's only done it a couple times and each time it would be better if it wasn't Min Yoongi.

"Jiminie, remember this might be like the other times. They may not of actually found him yet." Jimin nodded and stopped shaking Jungkoo, but still held onto his larger hand.


Taehyung parked the car as close as he could to the police station doors, which was relatively close.

He got out first, walking around to the doors to let the other boys out, going to Jungkooks side first. (Only because he was closer since he insisted on being in the seat behind his own).

"Daddy, wait!" He shouted the older just after he'd unclipped his seatbelt. Taehyung stood back and raised an eyebrow, watching as Jungkook bent down to pick up a small, purple bow. "Put this in p'ease," he said, handing it to his daddy.

Taehyung chuckled and told the little to get out the car so he could do it better, clipping it in on the side of it his head when he was out the car.

He held Jungkooks hand while going to the other littles side, doing all the same  (minus putting a bow in his hair).

The trio walked into the police station, the littles holding one of Taehyungs hands each, swinging them as a small distraction.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The woman at the desk asked. She was pretty and, by the smile on her face, seemed pretty cheerful.

"Hello. We're here because we got a call about Min Yoongi. The man that was kidnapped. Officer Im called us and said they may of found him?"

"Oh, of course, he said you'd be here soon. He and his men aren't back yet -- I'm sure they will be soon -- but if you'd like to wait in one of our rooms I'd be happy escort you there."

Taehyung nodded and agreed, following the lady through the door and down the corridor.

"I know this isn't an ideal place to be, but please make yourself at home!"


"Daddy, do you think they'll come back soon?"

"We've only been her around twenty min--"

"Excuse me, officer Im is here!" Everyone looked at the door, the receptionist holding it wide open with an even wider smile on her face.

This alone made everyone feel more at ease with walking out the room and into another, figuring that the news couldn't be all bad, considering her expression and how she told them.

"Their in a room in a different corridor. It's mainly used for... special? Occasions. Follow Me!"

Everyone followed behind the lady, eager to get to this new room and find what awaits them.

Once outside the room with blacked out windows, the lady told them to walk in and left.

Jimin wrapped his small hand around the silver handle, taking a deep breath in to prepare himself.

"It'll be alright, Chim," Tae said, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. The man nodded and pushed the door open, keeping his head down until he was fully in the room.

He heard a gasp and finally looked up, his eyes widening once he saw the person he's missed for so long.

"Yoonie!" He practically screamed, running over and consuming the man in a great hug. Yoongi did the same, wrapping his arms around Jimins shoulders and crying into his neck.

The two were uncaring of those around them at that time, living in their own world-- a euphoria that blossomed as they held each other.


... they're pretty obvious tbh.

ANYWAYS if you're not already, please read steps to happiness and vote on the latest poll! She's equal again and i dont want to choose 😣

Also this is coming to an end... this might even be the end????

Thank you for reading! 💓

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now