tiny little secret | n

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I have completely forgotten about that Yoongi has a job -_- so, I hope it's cool with you guys if I kinda pretend I totally said something about Yoongi's class going on a camping trip but he couldn't go

Also! Credits to @CyrusStrange for the idea of this chapter! (And the next one and possibly one after that. It really helped sweet!)


Since the accident a few days ago, Yoongi packed up his littlespace stuff into a couple old boxes, shoved it under his bed and refused to go into littlespace.

He even as for as putting a bolt on the nursery door. (With the help of a stool, of course).

It was heartbreaking for Jimin to watch as he was at blame for how Yoongi felt; Sad, stressed and untrusting. The fact that Jimin -- the one whose supposed to makes those kind of  feelings disappear -- has planted those feelings, and watching them grow, truely made him feel how much he'd failed.

It wasn't a simple 'say-sorry-and-give-the-person-a-gift', situation, either. It was far deeper than materialistic things; mere items that passed as a cheap, tacky apology. Yoongis feeling have been hurt, his trust has been completely deported and Jimin has to go around the situation carefully, has to not screw it up even more and he has to prove that he truely cares for Yoongi.

However, it's much harder, the male decides, when Yoongi hasn't spoken to him and won't even leave his room while Jimin is present other than to use the bathroom or to get a drink. This was also a sorry for the younger the male as he knew his hyung could not be eating properly.  

Every possible way to make it up to the little somehow became useless, faulty, in some kind of way.

As mentioned before, simply buying something was ruled out, but then pesky thoughts got in the way. What if Yoongi wants some new colouring books and pens? Or a new teddy or maybe even outfit? Should I offer the boy to pick for himself? He couldn't talk it out, because his little wouldn't talk to him.

Stressful. The whole situation was a stressful dilemma, and Jimin was still clueless, after four whole days to himself of thinking, as to how he could turn it around.

And, as a last resort, Jimin pulled out his phone, selected the needed contact and waited for the needed person to answer.

Really short chapter, super sorry! But I should have more in a couple days👌
Lol here's me thinking it's a slight cliffhabger when it's probs really easy to tell who he called.

How have the slightly longer paragraphs been? (Also no bloody dialogue I did it okays)

Anyway, I wanna keep this one short so one last question; how much longer do you guys think I should carry this on? Like, I could have it finished within, Like, 4-5 chapters or I have a couple ideas that can keep it goin quite a bit longer.

Thank you amazing readers for (still)  reading!

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