Tiny Little Secret | b

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Jimin awoke due to a streak of sunlight seeping in through a slit in his curtains. He yawned and rolled himself over, causing the covers to wrap around his body, almost like a sushi roll. He tried to close his eyes and fall asleep again, maybe even pick his dream up where he left off, but it was no use. The glow from the small ray of sun still lingered over his bed and, although having his back turned to it, Jimin could still see it.

The pink haired male sighed. Today was a Saturday and so Jimin decided it wouldn't hurt to stay in bed a little longer than he normally would, even on a weekend. His hyung wouldn't be awake yet (or anytime soon), not that it's not to be expected that Yoongi would sleep until the afternoon. Jimin never thought of Yoongi of lazy, though. He does work with little kids every weekday and so he's bound to be tired come the weekend. Plus, Jimin was surprised that he himself had woken up at nine thirty-five.

Jimin rested his laptop on top of his knees and searched for his favourite movie-streaming website, which didn't take long as it was, ironically, listed in his favourites. Jimin loved this one specific site - it was almost perfect. There were thousands of films and TV series to choose from, everything was available on-demand, you could download something for offline viewing and it wasn't too expensive.

There was only really one 'bad' thing about it that was worth noting; the excessive amount of pop-up-add that randomly placed themselves on the website. It wasn't a huge deal, but it could get annoying. Sometimes Jimin would accidentally click onto one of them and find himself on a strange website.

Jimin, for maybe the fourth time, dramatically threw his back as he was taken to yet another strange site he knew nothing about. "LittleSpace," Jimin read aloud and his face washed over with confusion, however, it strangely intrigued him and so he continued to read about. He re-read, and re-read and re-read the text again, thinking of his hyung while doing so.

One part of the text, in particular, caught his eye. 'LittleSpace means different things to different people and the reason for regressing into a younger mindset varies, and so we can't make exact points. However, many people use 'LittleSpace' as a way to temporarily escape from the adult world and forget about / relieve any stress the individual may be feeling.'

Relieve stress? Huh. Jimin researched more about LittleSpace and watched some YouTube videos, getting a better idea of what it is and what 'littles' generally do. (Which he later learnt was regress into the mind of a little kid, pretty self-explanatory.)

He stood up, a somewhat determined expression etched across his face. "I, Park Jimin, will help my hyung, Min Yoongi, to relieve stress through little space!" He nodded to himself, feeling satisfied with his unofficial oath of some sort. But he then sweat-dropped, realising one important detail. "... As soon as I've gathered all the needed items."

And that is what Jimin did. He went out and bought things that he was suggested to.


Hello! ^_^Thank you for being here and reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please consider voting / giving feed back in the comments.

I know nothing much has happened yet ;-; but at least in the next chapter Jimin will 'introduce' Yoongi to LittleSpace. I wonder if Yoongi will refuse? Tell Jimin he's already a little? (i seriously do not know i have no plan help)

an update will be anytime between a week / two weeks



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