tiny little secret | 7.g

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not proof read!

Yoongi stood on the bed of the room he was forced to sleep in, Seokjin sat in a chair with its back to the wall, directly in front of the boy. 

"Ayo laddies and gentlemen!" Yoongi... tried to sing into the makeshift mic, that was really just a hairbrush the older male brought for the little to brush his hair.

After that performance was over, Seokjin was quick to stand up and clap, a huge smile on his plump lips. 

"Yoongi-ah, you're really good! How did you get so amazing at singing? It must've been really hard work," he complimented. Yoongi smiled and looked down, shy at the mans' words. 

He looked up when his blush was gone, and motioned with his hand for his hyung to come closer. The man did, moving closer and closer until his ear was right next to the shorter mans' lips. 

"I saw a wizard in a magic shop and did he deal with him so I could sing!"


Jimin paced around the police station, biting at his non-existent nails while he waited. Taehyung and Jungkook were with him, of course, he was at their house after all, and they weren't going to let him come here alone.

Not when he may have to identify Yoongis body, and determine whether the dead man was his best friend or not.


i'm meant to be asleep right now... 

but i'm about to publish the au! the cover is really bad because i still don't have picsart rn, please excuse that! 

tell your friends about it so we can get more votes on the polls and it can be more interesting!

i hope you guys like it ^-^

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