tiny little secret | r

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*Not proofread

Jimin gently knocked on Yoongis bedroom door, though he already knew he wouldn't be allowed into his hyungs room right now.

"Jimin, I've already told you that you don't need to worry about me."

"But Hyung, I have something for you!"

Yoongi groaned, already saying these words at least twice a day, "I'm not hungry, I don't need a drink and I already know I don't care about whatever else you have." It was sharp, harsh, even, and Jimin knew he'd be hurt if he wasn't  used it.

However, it didn't stop him from muttering under his breath, ignoring Yoongis words as he allowed himself into the room.

Ignoring the shocked look he received, Jimin proudly held his hand in the hair, the stuffie dangling from the arm Jimin held. "Look what I found~."

"I knew where it was, Jimin." The older began, laying down and closing his eyes again. "I threw it away because I don't want it anymore," he said, as if it was no big deal.

Jimin deadpanned, his arm now lowered and limp by his side. This was not the reaction he wanted.

"But- but I bet Mr Stary-Clouds misses you!"

"Well, I don't miss her. I don't even want her." And Jimin sighed, because is this not how he planned for this to go.

He planned tell Yoongi that Mr Stary-Clouds misses him, Young to hurry the rabbit in a hug and be little for the day. He planned to feel needed.

"But she keeps crying!" This, hearing that his beloved teddy, was crying seemed to catch him as his right eye opened an inch. This was good.

"She misses her Yoongie so much and only he can make her feel better."

That seemed to do the trick, Yoongi soon grabbing his teddy, only the floppy ears of it poking out from the tight hug.

"Y'know, Min-Min missed Yoonie, too." Yoongi gapsed and let go of the rabbit, latching onto his caregiver -- his Min-Min -- instead.

Jimin, you made the right decision, he thought while enjoying the hug.

Sorry I've been gone for so long ;-; I missed you all!~

Also I'd like to stress the fact that we are almost at 10K and 500 votes! The amount of love this book is getting is so unbelievable to me (especially with the mistakes and jumpy-ness of it)

Thank you to all that read, vote and comment! 💞

I was wondering if you guys would be interested in a Q&A? Ik nothing has really happened and there probably isn't any burning questions you lot have but it could be dun, at least

Thank you for reading!

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