Teeny update lol

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New one shot chapter coming super duper soon I promise, it's almost halfway done.

I've also just started writing a new Yoonmin fanfic (not published). It's going to be college / gang themed but with a somewhat childish, goofy atmosphere (except for when the story calls for a serious tone of course). I was just wondering if anyone here would be interested in reading it?

It will also be a good way for me to broaden and improve my writing skills — I'll have to write in a slightly more grown up manner, with more sense of atmosphere and descriptions. It could be fun and interesting! ~

I will also try to be better at, Uhm, everything? When I write this one :)

Also! Thank you to all the new readers! We're almost at 200k and it's so beyond belief for me. I love you all, old and new, very much! ❤️

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