Tiny Little Secret | k

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*not proofread*

Taehyung turned to Jungkook, a soft smile on his face. "Wanna cuddle or play in the nursery?"

"Play," was Jungkooks blunt answer, Taehyung pretending to be hurt that he didn't want to cuddle with him for a moment before showing his little where it was, because he'd "forgotten" and feared he'd "get lost," though Taehyung knew he just didn't pay attention.

After staying in the room a good eternity (or five minutes, there's not much difference between the two) and being absolutely, positively, undeniably sure (or not knowing at all, but knowing he'd get out of the consequence), Jungkook stepped out of the room and, as fast as he could while trying trying to be quiet on his thicc legs, traveled to the next room.

His grin and well-deserved victorious feeling grew when he saw a mess of black hair poking from one end of the bed, confirming that Jungkook had ran into the right room and wouldn't have to make the daring journey again.

However, now that he stood in the room with the sleeping little, he had no clue why he was there and found himself at a standstill.

Draw on his face? Nah. I'd have to find his pens - if he even has pens.
Take his favourite hair band? But, that's lame.

Jungkook shook his head, ridding it of the useless ideas and though of what he actually wants.

Someone to play with.

He stood by the occupied bed, no hesitation in his annoyin, relentless attack on the sleeping boys cheek.

"Stop," was the boys command, though it came out rather weak did to his half-asleep state. It went almost ignored by Jungkook, who preplied,

"I can't, not until you wake up and play with me. So, get up."

" 'M too tirs (tired), I do i' afer my shleepys gone, okay?"

"No, I want to play."


Jungkook puffed his cheeks out, feeling he had no other choice but to retreat to his last resort.

R.I.P, kid.

He grabbed Yoongis top, that was slightly too big, and pulled with all his 'superhero' strength. It came in handy, he thought, as both littles landed on the carpeted floor.

Though he somewhat proudly accomplish his unofficial- mission, he winced, know it was absolutely, positively, undeniably the decision when the black haired boy started crying and Taehyung rushed into the room.

And, by the look on his face, he was going to get a punishment that would not be fun.

R.I.P, me, thought as he watched with jealousy at Taehyung babied the other little.


It has been an hour since Jungkook ruthlessly pulled Yoongi from his own bed, got punished and watched from timeout while the brat (aka Yoongi, but Jungkook thought the name he gave him was much more fitting) got cosy with his daddy.

Now the boys where in the nursery, Jungkook eventually getting his own way as usual. He stared at Yoongi, who didn't notice the strong death glare being directed to him, while he thought how he could mess with him without getting into too much trouble.

Yoongi stopped drawing on the once plain paper for a moment, taking time to lool at what was dine and planning his next actions. His picture was his Min-Min, it has to be perfect and nothing less.

Pink. It needs pink. He reached for the desired - needed - colour, his hand hovering around the table, only to find that Jungkook had it. It's okay, yellow's close enough. But again, Jungkook snatched it before he hand got close to the colour.

He pouted, seeing that the other boy has taken both the colours he need and, to make it even more unbelievable, he wasn't even using them! Jungkook's being a meanie to me again, he thought while looking at the other colours, sighing when he settled on red; the farthest colour from pink of all the colours in the world.

"Hey!" Yoongi tried to yell when his crayon (he pretended that he didn't have pens, simply because he likes to look after and not run the light colours with the dark colours and he worried that Jungkook would do just that) was snatched from his hand, some scratching over ab area it wasn't meant to be.

Ruined. His drawing, that was his best yet, was ruined.

"Hi?" Jungkook answered, seeming confused.

"Gif me back my red," Yoongi demanded, his hand out. Sure, it probably was rude to talk like that, but he'd had enough of Jungkook by now.

"I don't have it."

"Yes, you do. You took it righ' fwom my hand."

Jungkook held his hands out, the crayon now on the floor, "I don't have your stupid crayon."

Yoongi, not believing a single word that left his mouth, crossed his arms and stomped his way over to Jungkooks seat, stopping once he was as close to his as he could get. "I need i' back. Righ't now."

Jungkook only looked down at Yoongis foot, the black haired boys gaze soon following, gasping once he saw the crushed, red crayon under it.

"You pu' i' there on purposhe!"

"But you broke it."

And then, to remember all the times that the faithful crayon has helped Yoongi create a masterpiece, he held a grand funeral in the nursery.


Taehyung gave Jungkook a scolding look, the latter having to apologise to Yoongi for nth time in the past hour.
Why his little was being undeniably mean confused Taehyung.  He usually has no problems playing nicely with others.

However, Yoongi stood in the lounge, crying because Jungkook has told him that Jimin doesn't really love him, because he doesn't give him a kiss on the lips.
Why that came up also confused Taehyung.

"I j-jus' wan' my dad-dy!"

I finally got some data!This chapter was going to be a bit longer, but I'm feeling a little sick. The second half will be out either later tonight or tomorrow, I promise!

I also want to say thank you for continuing to read, even though my updates are pretty out of control at the moment.

Also, I have a taekook fanfic in the works, I just need to get a cover (which, if anyone here would like to help out with id really appreciate it since I cant make a cover to sabe my life) and think of a interesting description. But would anyone here be interested in reading It?

It not littlespace, unfortunately, but more so...horror romance? Idk im planning  pretty dark shit for it
(But fluff is aaaaallllllwwwwwwaaaayyyyyys neccisory so eh)

Welp im gonna end this awfully long a/n 😅

Thank you for reading 💗

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