tiny little secret | i

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Warning: there is brief smut between Taehyung and Junkook however Jungkook is little
I don't want to offend anyone by this! I just thought it'd spice things up a bit? However, if people really aren't into it, I will remove it.
if you want to pretend it's simply age-play then go ahead.

Jimin woke up the next morning at six thirty-five am, Yoongi following soon after, his left hand balled up and rubbing his eye while his other held his bunny teddy.

Jimin watched him, wondering if he should stay at home again and tell Taehyung that he didn't need him to come over anymore. It seemed like a good idea, at least, until Jimin weighed out the pros and cons of doing so.

He just needed to tell the little, but he didn't want to in case of upsetting him.

Jimin sighed - it was more like having to tell Yoongi that he was leaving for good instead of four to five hours, tops.


"Yoongi," Jimin started, his little finally happy with being called his actual name, for what felt like the first time. 

He hummed, not wanting to take the pacifier out his mouth.

"Today I have to go to work, so I asked someone to come over and look after You, okay?"


"Because I need to go to work, sweetie." Yoongi blinked at Jimins words as if he was working out a complicated maths problem.

"Why can't I come with you?" Jimin chuckled.

"You, little mister, would get so bored, trust me. I know I  do."

"Then take me with You!" Yoongi exclaimed, completely dissolving the problem with his brilliant idea as his arms shot up, validating his point that little bit more.

"I can't, bubs, I have to go to my dance school, too."

Yoongi only crossed his arms and turned away, his lips pouty and eyes squinting. At this, Jimin prepared for a tempertantrum or two.

Now was a pretty good time to let Taehyung know that he was needed this afternoon.

Hey, you still up for 12:55?

From: the.K.Taehyung1@airmail.com
Yeah. What's your address? And, I gotta ask to make sure I don't get ripped off, how're you paying for my time?

To: the.K.Taehyung1@airmail.com
Keyston street number 95 and cash in hand.

From: the.K.Taehyung1@airmail.com
Cool cool. My little can't get outta his head space so he'll be there, too.

To: the.K.Taehyung1@airmail.com

"C'mon, baby, time to get dressed."

When Yoongi made no efforts to move, Jimin knew it was the beginning off the first tantrum.


Taehyung left his emails in favour  of signing into the little babysitters website, seeing what other jobs he had.



Welcome back, "Kim Taehyung"!

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