Tiny Little Secret | d

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* as usual, I have not proofread this so please let me know of mistakes of any sort*

a/n - hey what's up, we got over 100 reads ^_^ thank you so much, when I saw it I was soooo happyyyy <33

edit: she was edited but if mistakes are still there then please point them out! 

Yoongi looked down at Jimin's hands while the latter looked at the TV that displayed a colourful cartoon on the screen.

The black-haired male squinted his eyes in an attempt to get a better look at the content the bags, that were firmly held in Jimin's hands, but to no avail, as the younger moved some of the bags (namely the ones with toys, dummies, bottles and such things) behind his back and made a quick decision to distract Yoongi.

"Yoongi-Hyung, why do you have cartoons on?" Jimin asked, a somewhat fakely surprised tone coating his sentence. Why it was fake Jimin didn't even know, however, Yoongi didn't seem to notice as he jumped and stammered out an excuse nonetheless.

"I-I was looking through the channels and then I needed the toilet. I must've left this o-on while I went and just got back right before you b-burst through the door." Jimin nodded, disregarding his hyung's words without much thought as he went to get started on transforming the spare room into Yoongi's very own nursery.

Though being a spare room, the room Jimin stood in didn't look too bad; the walls were a baby blue colour and white, floating shelves were placed on them -- various things such as plants played on the shelves.

A small double bed was tucked away in the far right corner close to the window and a nightstand stood next to it. An empty wardrobe found itself on the other side of the room. That's it. The room looked okay but boring.

Jimin sighed - it'd take him a while to get the room how he wanted it.

Wanting to have most of the work done before the night rolled around, Jimin got started with his job.

(time skip cause I succ at describing rooms and things like that)

Jimin stood in front of the door, a lazy a smile as he proudly observed his work. Gone was the boring plants and in their place stood jars of different sweets. The once empty wardrobe was now about to burst with colourful clothes. The chest of draws was now placed beside the wardrobe and a toy box, of course, filled with various different toys, was tucked under the bed.

All Jimin had to do now was hope that his hyung wouldn't go into the room. He wouldn't, right? After all, there was no reason for him to want to be in there.

Jimin retreated to living room sofa, relaxing after what seemed like hours of preparing Yoongi's soon-to-be nursery. As if on cue, Jimin remembered that he needed to order abdl clothes for his hyung.

Sure, he had bought some new, brightly coloured clothes but they were meant for adults. And so, the younger set to more work, relentlessly searching for online stores that sold abdl products.

And, as if on cue, Yoongi just happened to walk around Jimin's end of the couch, giving him the view of the youngers laptop screen. He froze, his usually droopy-ish eyes now wide until they couldn't get any wider and questions circled his head. Did Jimin know? Was he mocking Yoongi? Did Jimin accidentally pick up Yoongi's laptop thinking it was his and this came up in the search history? Yoongi didn't know the reason as to why the younger was shopping for such things but it panicked him to the point were Jimin could hear his breathing.

Jimin turned around, his own panic settling in slowly, along with disappointment in himself. His surprise was ruined. He smiled crookedly. "Surprise?"

"J-Jiminie, why are y-you sh-shopping for littlespace things?" Upon hearing Yoongi's words, Jimin's faced showed confusion. How did Min Yoongi, of all people, know what littlespace was?

Jimin disregarded his thought and stood up, letting out an almost unnoticeable sigh in the process. "Come with me." And he led his coal haired hyung to what once was the spare bedroom.


I write this on my phone RIP

I dont really like how this turned out... I might rewrite it

Have a good day! (unless you live in the UK and the weather is shit -_-) ^_^ <3

Tiny Little Secret | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now