tiny little secret | l

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Jimin laid against the half-cool dance floor, his pink locks sticking to his forehead because of the layer of sweat present on it.

He smiled when his muscles settled into a numb feeling, in his own mind, assuring him that he'd reached the bare minimum amount of work and progression.-his next goal, which was pure extortion and, eventually, passing out, seemed a little bit closer.

His goal-driven and over-achieving-mind willed the pink-haired boy to get up, though he took a moment to steady himself once on his feet.

Jimin played the song and was halfway through his practice when he decided to take another break, his head begging to feel light and fuzzy.

He hazily heard someone call his name, but it ruled it off as him simply hearing things in his muddled mind.
However, the noise didn't stop, Jimins pounding even more as he picked it up from the hard floor.

"Jimin-ah, you promised you'd go home!" He recognised the voice as Hoseoks, a fellow student (and occasional teacher) at the academy, and noticed the sense of concern in his voice as he grabbed Jimins small arm.

"Yeah, yeah I know," he said in a breathy voice. "But it wasn't - isn't - finished yet."

Hoseok frowned. He thought the dance was perfected by the younger, however, he also knows he's a perfectionist when it comes to dancing and if he feels anything less than prideful in his work, there's no way in hell you could make him stop practising.

"C'mon, you've practised more than enough for now. You can't get that dance any better than it is now - it's perfect." Jimin instantly stood up in defence, ready to argue against the statement.

"Yes, yes I can." Jimin headed to his phone, ready to hit play again.

"Jimin, you have to stob." And he stopped, his pudgy finger just above the play button. He didn't want to defy his hyung but, on the flip side, he couldn't leave the damn dance as it is.
"And you have no choice."

The younger sighed at Hoseoks stubbornness but chose to make it easier than it had been and just go with him.


Jimin woke up in a somewhat familiar setting, but it wasn't a room in his own apartment, and so finds slight panic settling in. He'd always been a tad funny like that.

He's relieved when Hoseok walks in with, what Jimin assumes to be, a glass of wine in his hand.

His mouth forms an 'o' shape before he cheers, "Jimin-ah, you're awake!" His usual grin overtaking his heart-shaped-lips. "How are you feeling?"

Jimin hums and tells him that apart from the slight ache in his muscles, he feel fine.

He raises a suggestive eyebrow at the wine glass, "is that for me?"

"Originally, no, but you can have it."


Hoseok only meant for them to share a couple of friendly drinks, three at most.

So, to say he's surprised they were on a fourth bottle and Jimin had moved from his place on the other side of the sofa in favour of clinging to Hoseok, would be an understatement.

Nonetheless, he hugged the boy close to himself, enjoying the skin-ship, and listened to what he had to say.

"Oh and Yoongi-hyung! My God, he's adorable!" He exclaimed with a slur, Hoseoks eyebrows furrowed as he couldn't understand. Their hyung always came across as... cool and badass, distant and cold to outsiders. Savage, would be a good way of explaining him, too.

He wanted to know more, a lot more, as to why Jimin found the older adorable, of all things. "Yoongi-hyung? How on earth do you get that?"

"Min Yoongi is the definition of soft! His round cheeks and pouty lips - he's even cute when he's playing up!"

Hoseok could tell he wasn't going to get a full answer from Jimin, and simply passed it off as drunk rambling.


edit: 'stob' was a mistake, i've left it in there for fun (cause my fun is lame lol)

Sorry this took a second day to get out! As I said, I'm not feeling great and I'm being forced to school!

Anyways, I didn't know how to end this chapter so sorry about that 😅

I think my chapters a quite speech-heavy, but also think there's a lot that can be expressed through it. What are your opinions?

Also self-promo oof the shame(lessness) I've just published two new fanfics (though one of them is just a simple introduction for now)
There's a taekook one called Kalon and a yoonmin one called Milkman - please check them out!

Thank you, sweeties, for reading!💜

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