Chapter 1: The beginning off all

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Wenwen's pov

"Wenwen, boss calling you, NOW!!"

"Okay", he directly heading to her beautiful boss office and politely knock the door.

"Ms. Chai Jie, do you call me? What's up?

"Sit down please." And Chai Jie continue, "Wen, there are something I want to ask you."

"Who is he?"

Chai Jie showing him the last couple months magazine where Wenwen taken picture with another boy.

"Oh, that's Xu Weizhou and may I know why you are asking about him?"

"You have his number?"

"Yes, I have his number."

"Give it to me."

"What for?"

"You know about my novel 'Shangyin' right?

"Of course I know, that's my favorite novel. Wow you ... you ... ooh don't tell me you ...".

"Yes, as you know, I want to make it become movie or series."

"Are you sure about that Ms. Jie, it's a crazy thing. You know how our government and society reaction about LGBT. And about Xu Weizhou will play in your 'Shangyin's Project', he is so manly and look like bad boy."

"Calm down, you don't have to worry about that. You knew already my novels are best seller, right? Many of my fans even sent letter or email ask me to make it become movie. You know, honestly, at the first time, I don't have any guts doing this, but after I saw Xu Weizhou on the cover of magazine and imagined all the scenes in 'Shangyin' with him inside playing as one of main cast."

"Ms. Jie, may I know, what role you want him played?"

"I'm still thinking which role suited to him, Guhai or Bailouyin?"

"Guhai's role suited for him. He is very manly and gentlemen. Every girls stunned by him when we were being taken picture for that's magazine. But Ms. Jie, he is come from rich family, are you sure he will accept this LGBT's role?"

"Hmmmm ... its quite difficult, but you know me, right? If I want something, I will try as best as I can do to make it happen. How about you help me talk to him, Wen? Ask him to meet me and then you can leave it to me, I will the one whom convincing and persuade him."

"And how about me? What I got? Any advantages for me?"

"For you??? I will not kick you out from my company!!! Get out now and bring him to me. I give you 3 days start from now. If you can't make him to meet me and then you have to say goodbye to all your friends here."

"Ms. Jie, you are so cruel."

"OMG, how come you don't realize about that?? (sarcastic tone)

"Alright, I will try, but I can't promise anything to you."

Oohhh What on earth, she is insane, how can I talk to Xu Weizhou about this matter. What he will do to me, will hit me or he don't want to be friend again with me?

Arrghhhh....But kicked out from this company seem more terrible than things related with Xu Weizhou.

Wenwen take out his phone and looking for Xu Weizhou number. He never contacts him since the day they were worked together for the magazine photoshoot. His heart beating so fast like want to jump out from his chest.


"Hello, is this Xu Weizhou number?"

"Yes, Xu Weizhou here, sorry may I ask who's this?"

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