Chapter 38: Beijing, I'm coming

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Hii guy... here the update, happy reading for all the YuZhou lover. And big thank to our lovely author struggle_wind .


Jingyu Pov.

Two days seemed to be felt too long for Jingyu. He wanted to leave immediately for Beijing. Even his friends in Shanghai were confused with his enthusiasm and impatience. Especially Borfang and Ray. Borfang and Ray are Jingyu's closest friends. Borfang (hereafter I'll call Fang) also work in the same field as Jingyu, as a model too. But now he is pioneering the clothing line business. Sometimes he asks Jingyu, Ray or another friend to be his model.

 Sometimes he asks Jingyu, Ray or another friend to be his model

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Jingyu & Borfang

"Actually, what business do you have in Beijing?" Fang asked.

"Still work for the film, Fang," Jingyu answered by putting on a cool face.

"If that's important, why you refuse my offer to take you to Beijing? Instead of wasting your money on plane tickets," Fang added.

"I don't want to bother you. You're preparing your new coming design".

"Yes, just leave it. The important thing is you need to go back before fitting time. I don't want to be the only one free model for him," Ray said.

"Take it easy. I'll be back before the fitting day."

Jingyu intentionally didn't want to tell them the real reason. Because he wasn't sure how his friends would react if they knew he liked a man. Dan Jingyu was even more afraid of Fang's reaction. Because from the very beginning, it was he who was the most opposed about Jingyu taking on Guhai's role. Because they live in a model world, a place where taboos about LGBT are very common. Jingyu has been a drinker and smoker since becoming a model. After every event, they almost always spend time at the bar. Only since Jingyu was dating Wang, did all his bad habits diminish? In addition, when Jingyu began pursuing Jiujitsu, he totally stopped smoking, because that would make his breath short and not strong enough to fight. And gay is a very common thing in their world. During this time not a few men approached them, especially Jingyu. For women, there's no need to count, too much. Fang was once liked by a male model who was very obsessed with him. He followed him wherever, whenever. He just stopped when Fang's girlfriend gave a raw punch to that man. But since then, Fang has become a person who hates gay.

That's the main reason that scared me to tell him. Fang is not just a friend. He was like a big brother, a mentor and even a parent to me. He was the one who introduced me to the world of modeling. He taught me how to pose, walk, even express. Even he introduced me to Wang. Fang and Wang are old friends when they were just pioneering as models. Years before I was able to rent my own apartment, I lived in his house, for free. Never once did he bring up or expect repayment from me. Okay, except to be the free model for him now, hehehehe ......

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