Chapter 20: My first birthday celebration with him

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Hi all, here the update, happy reading to all my beloved reader, this chapter translate by our lovely translator SongJiaYu and thx to our lovely author struggle_wind


Weizhou Pov.

Finally, everything returned as before. We chat, joke, discuss, even jiujitsu together. But I don't know like there's something different now, which I don't know what. Like there is a wall or an invisible distance between us. Of course, I don't like it, but what can I do? I told him to talk to me when he felt the need and talked to others if he wasn't comfortable talking to me. So now I can't suddenly ask about something I myself am not sure of. And the more days pass the more I increasingly limited myself. I used to be able to tell him anything, including personal problems. But now, I don't know. Because he behaved like that, made me behave the same way too. Now what I feel is that we are close physically, but not psychologically. And that hurt me. Hurt my heart. But once again, what can I do?

I taught him to sing "I only care about you" many times because he didn't know the song at all. He said he had heard that song while he is still a child. I taught him while playing guitar. And I have to say, I really like his voice. I can say, his voice still raw. Not melodious, rather rough, the tone ran away, but that was what made me like it. His voice was rather heavy and hoarse, very manly. It fits perfectly with his posture and face. His voice is the kind of sound that I really want to have. Because I am a heavy metal band member, even though I only play an instrument, sometimes I also sing. Imagine, the voice of a heavy metal band vocalist with a heavy and hoarse voice like him, especially if it's been trained, it would be really cool. And he was born with that advantage in his voice.

"Zhou, my voice is not good? How come they laugh at me while I sing?", He asked suddenly.

"Huh? Who said your voice is not good?"

"No one. Just feel it. Your voice is good, soft, melodious and pleasant to hear. While my voice ...".

"I don't know ... I'm not in the position to judge the voice and ability of people to sing. But if you ask my opinion, I really like your voice. I even dreamed of having a voice like you."

"Zhou, you don't need to lie just to please me".

"I'm serious !!!!", I answered seriously by looking into his eyes, so he knew that I was serious and didn't lie with my words.

"Explain the reason?" he asked.

"Your voice is very raw. It sounds very smooth and pure. When you study, it sounds like playing games. But when you've mastered a few lines and you're serious about singing it, the lyrics sound very sincere. As if what you want to convey it through the song, the audience can get what you want to say through the song. "At least it came to me. Beyond that, I really like deep, heavy and somewhat hoarse sounds like you. if you are hard-working in training your voice, you will be surprised by the results," I explained.

He keeps silent and just looked at me for a few moments as if time had stopped at that moment.

"Thank you, Zhou. That means a lot to me. I don't care what people say, as long as you say it's good, it means good. That's all.", he finally said after a long silence.

We continued our training because the press conference was getting closer.

Jingyu Pov.

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